Coming Out of A Mini Coma

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Author's Note: Hey everyone I'm really sorry on the long wait for this chapter. I hadn't realized how long it had been since I last updated this one and a lot of my others as well. I promise that I will be making sure to update all of them more often again including this one, my new ones, and my older ones as well. Anyway I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you thought as I always enjoy hearing what people thought and votes and comments are always appreciated and helpful. 💜💜

"Ava!" Lola cried out as she quickly ran over and hugged her older sister relieved to see that she was awake. "Ow okay, not so rough please," Ava quickly replied while wincing a little. She knew that Lola was just relieved and happy to see that she was okay but her body was still weak and the hugging was hurting her still.

    "Oh right sorry," Lola told Ava as she quickly released herself and backed up a little. "Ava I'm so glad you're okay," Caitlin exclaimed once Lola had backed away a little bit. "Yeah we were worried sick," Dylan added on. Ava was practically their family at this point. It had been absolutely terrifying for the two young college students when they had been given a call about Ava being hospitalized.

    "I'm fine how's Mal," Ava responded back not caring about her own health. Ava knew that she probably should focus on herself but she couldn't. She needed to know where Mal was and how the young toddler was doing. Mal was her baby and she needed her right now.

   "Okay dude calm down. You literally just woke up from like a mini coma," Lola told her sister who just rolled her eyes as she looked over. "I said I'm fine, how's Mal!" Ava practically screamed out. She was getting anxious and more worried. She didn't care about herself, she only cared about Mal right now and she needed to know she was okay.

   It was honestly freaking her out that Lola wasn't answering her questions. Lola sighed looking over at Ava knowing that it was best to just answer her. It was obvious that the only thing Ava cared about right now was Mal and it was probably going to get worse if she didn't just answer her.

   "Well she was fine when I last saw her," Lola responded back hoping this would be enough to keep Ava calm. This didn't seem to be the case though as Ava just slowly nodded and started to get up. "What are you doing!" Dylan cried out when he saw what Ava was doing. "Yeah Ava you just basically overdosed on alcohol and came out of a mini coma," Caitlin replied back, joining in with Dylan.

   The two of them honestly couldn't believe that Ava was trying to leave right now. "They're right, you need to be resting," Lola told Ava who rolled her eyes again. She didn't want to be away from Mal any longer and she honestly felt fine.

   "I'm fine! I'm going to see Mal," Ava exclaimed while still trying to leave. She was sick of them all treating her like she was some fragile person. Mal needed her right now. "Okay dude bad idea," Lola said to Ava as she got up and tried to guard Ava from leaving.

   "Will you move?" Ava responded back with an attitude not liking that they seemed to be keeping her away from her baby that needed her. "I can't do that," Lola quickly told her big sister who rolled her eyes again and pushed past Lola.

   "Okay for someone who just came out of a mini coma she sure is strong," Lola said out loud as she was honestly shocked by how easily Ava seemed to push past her despite being weak from alcohol poisoning.

    Once Ava made it out the door she quickly started to head towards Mal's room. Ava tried her best to ignore the pounding feeling in her head and the weakness of her body. She knew that the others were probably right about her resting but she needed to see that Mal was okay.

    Mal was worth some dizziness and fatigue. Just as Ava was about to enter Mal's room she lost her balance as she fell into someone. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry," Ava quickly cried out not realizing who she had run into.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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