|| Stop Pretending ||

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AU: None

Type: Monokuma x Reader angst

Warnings: Angst, one-sided love, breakdowns, killing, violence, death, mentions of weapons

Reader: Gender-neutral

Word count: 1,244





3rd Person P.O.V.

"Guys, it's fine! It's not like I actually like Monokuma. Like I said before, I'm just pretending to date him so I could get more info on the killing game," (Y/n) explained to everyone present in the bathhouse. Kyoko was a bit wary towards (Y/n)'s relationship with Monokuma though they had explained multiple times that the relationship was only so they could share info with the others. Was it true? Of course it was. Who would date Monokuma, the mastermind they are fighting against?

Monokuma had shown tons of favouritism towards (Y/n), so they took advantage of that and faked a confession. Sure enough, he accepted and the two were now "dating." Monokuma's heart always quickened when around (Y/n) while theirs remained normal. Monokuma always was so overjoyed when he saw (Y/n)'s smile, but they were forcing that grin onto their face. Monokuma was so head over heels for them, but (Y/n) couldn't be more annoyed with the man.

"Hm, fine. I suppose you are telling the truth. After all, you have done nothing but share useful information with us," Kyoko said, turning her attention to another topic before anyone else could further discuss (Y/n) and Monokuma. 

Little did they know that the mastermind himself was outside of the bathhouse around the corner, eavesdropping on their conversations. He was so curious as to what they were always talking about in the bathhouse, but now he regretted even investigating. Monokuma's eyes were wide as warm tears flooded his vision. The shirt he wore began to wrinkle from the tight grip he had on it. Before he could stay to hear more, Monokuma rushed off down the hall. The sound of his boots tapping against the tile and his sobs were the only thing he could hear. 

Before anyone could find him like this, Monokuma rushed into the boys' restroom and locked himself into the janitor's closet, slumping down on the ground. There was a heavy feeling on his chest that made it difficult for him to breath. Monokuma's heart ached while everything else felt numb. His shaky hands clutched his monochrome hair as an endless stream of tears flowed down his pale face. 

Every single fear that was suppressed by (Y/n)'s supposed love had resurfaced and made it even more difficult for Monokuma to breath. They never loved him. They never wanted him. They never truly cared for him. They used him. (Y/n) would throw him out the moment they squeezed every bit of information they wanted from him. Monokuma was only useful to them as an information source. 

There was nothing more that had scared him than being abandoned, weak, and useless. 

Monokuma's entire form trembled as he cried. All that repeated in his head were those words he heard (Y/n) speak, the words he was never supposed to hear. Was it better that he now knew or was it worse?

(Y/n) had no idea of the suffering their words put Monokuma into. In fact, they were peacefully walking to their dorm without even thinking of Monokuma. All that was in their head was the objective of going to their dorm to rest. It was just about reaching nighttime and they were feeling a bit sleepy. 

Upon entering their dorm, the monitor buzzed to life to announce the nighttime announcement. However, unlike every other day in this school, Monokuma was not present on the monitor. It was just displaying an empty chair with no sound at all. After a minute, the monitor shut off.

"How weird," (Y/n) commented. They brushed it off, sitting down onto their bed. Just as they were about to lay down, the sound of the door clicking open caught their attention. As they expected, Monokuma walked into the room. He had visited every night after the nightly announcement. However, this time seemed...different.

Monokuma's hair was messy and his bear ears were flattened against his head. His head was tilted down in a way that blocked (Y/n) from seeing his face. His posture was also slouched. Overall, his vibe was completely off.

"Hey Monokuma..." (Y/n) greeted, their voice slowly trailing off the closer he approached. Normally he would at least mumble a greeting, but the male was completely silent. "I missed you... Is something wrong?"

"Don't pretend you missed me."

(Y/n) was caught off guard when Monokuma lunged at them. The impact shoved them back onto the bed with Monokuma looming above them. His hands clutched their throat tightly, effectively choking them. (Y/n) gasped from the lack of air entering their lungs. They clawed at Monokuma's hands and kicked their legs in an attempt to shove him off.

"W-What are you doing?!" (Y/n) managed to choke out. They took a moment to study Monokuma's face, eyes widening upon doing so.

His eyes were glowing a bright red, puffy from crying. His lips were pulled back in a snarl, showcasing his fangs perfectly. Monokuma's shoulders heaved from how heavy he was panting. (Y/n) noticed how he trembled.

"Monokuma, are you okay?" (Y/n) asked, slowly reaching their hand to caress his cheek.

God, he adored it when they did that. Monokuma was nearly tempted to let go of them and melt into their touch, but it meant absolutely nothing if it wasn't genuine. 

"Stop it, stop it, stop it!!" he screamed, his grip on (Y/n)'s neck tightening. "Stop pretending! I know you're using me! I know everything!"

Monokuma released his grip, pushing himself back. He sat atop of (Y/n)'s thighs and covered his face, more tears falling. "I-I know everything..."

(Y/n) froze upon realizing what he meant. They quickly sat up, wrapping their arms around Monokuma in an attempt to comfort him. Maybe they could lie their way out of this now that he knew.

"M-Monokuma, do you mean what I said in the bathhouse? You know that isn't true... I said that because-"

"Stop lying!" 

Monokuma shoved (Y/n) back down onto the bed. He straddled their hips to prevent them from sitting up. "You lied to me... You have been lying all of this time!" Monokuma reached down to his belt. "You never loved me. You used me. You hurt me!"

"P-Please calm down... Don't hurt me!"

Monokuma nearly laughed at their words. "Oh? Why shouldn't I? You hurt me more than I thought anyone could! Damn it, I really thought you loved me... I loved you so much! You're a monster!!" He relished the way (Y/n) trembled and sobbed from fear. They deserved every bit of despair they felt right now. 

Monokuma pulled out his gun, aiming the end between (Y/n)'s eyebrows. His index finger began to press down on the trigger, but before he shot, (Y/n) said one last thing. 

"I hate you and always did."

A sharp, loud sound erupted from the gun when Monokuma shot it. (Y/n) no longer had struggled from beneath him. They no longer trembled. They no longer breathed. Monokuma felt his heart sting at the sight of the one person he loved no longer alive. He dropped the gun and leaned down, hugging the corpse and sobbing into their shoulder.

However, they had deserved it, right?

Regulation #5: No harm shall be brought to Monokuma.

And (Y/n) had harmed him in a way he never knew a person could.


I love angst ehehe. Anyways bye I gotta work on an essay

Hope you all enjoyed this!

Please excuse any mistakes made.

I do not own Danganronpa or any of the characters. I do not own any art unless stated otherwise

Have a nice day!


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