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Ashwathamma sat fixated on the documents sent by his trusted ministers addressing the shortcomings observable in the animal husbandry practices in Uttar Panchal that were causing a shortage of products for days on end. Which is why he did not hear his mother come inside his room.


He looked up and quickly put away the parchments in his hand. "Mother, why are you moving around? You should be resting."

"Oh! I am alright! Stop with all this. I am not a fragile woman, I know how to take care of myself. And you." She added the last part with a smile.

Ashwathamma smiled back. "Of course you do. What's that in your hand?"

Kripi pushed up the jar that she was balancing between her elbow and chest. "Ah, this? Vasusena has come to meet you. He brought this from Vardhamana. A local sweet, he says. Would you like some?"

"Sure. Vasusena is here?"

"Yes, he's outside."

Ashwatthama accompanied his mother to the small garden in their backyard. Karna stood with his back to him looking at the vast expanse of greenery that stretched all the way to the wilderness up north.

"The sweets are delicious, Vasusena. We both had some." Kripi said.

"I am glad you liked it. How are you doing, aunt?"

"She is doing better, but she needs to rest." Ashwatthama said, giving a pointed look to his mother.

Kripi sighed in defeat. "Alright, alright. I'll go keep this jar in the kitchen and lie down for a while. Be sure to come in the evening for dinner, Vasusena."

"Thank you. I would love to."

"I'll make you a nice vegetable stew! Let me get all the ingredients ready.......oh wait!I don't think we have carrots and eggplants."

"Mother, I'll be sure to fetch some. Now please get some rest."

Kripi gave them a look of exasperation. "Fine, fine........I am leaving." She said, holding her hands up in surrender. She left the jar on the cot by her right and hurried in.

"So" Ashwattamma said, locking his arms, after Kripi left them, "How was your stay in Vardhamana?"


Ashwathamma squinted his eyes. "Interesting."

"Join me for a walk? I'll tell you all about it."

They decided to venture along the route that ended at Goddess Durga's temple, keeping a steady pace. The Sun God blessed them generously with his rays of light and warmth, and Ashwathamma outstretched his hand to catch a butterfly in his hands. A beautiful yellow creature with red stripes. He took a few seconds to admire its beauty and uniqueness before releasing it to the mercy of the winds.

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