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"Maharaja Dhritrashtra we await your decision." The Pandya king declared. The puja had concluded, the prasad and bhog distributed amongst the attendees, followed by a grand lunch with delicacies from every corner of Aryavarta.

"There isn't any decision to make," Krishna responded, having self-appointed himself as the spokesperson of Hastinapur.

"Yes, there is." King Sudakshina said firmly and pointed at Karna. "Regarding this sutaputra."

"We do not consent to his presence in the Army," stated Vardhaksheni of the Vrishni dynasty.

Bhima exhaled, supremely annoyed by the bizarre turn of events. Vardhaksheni had fought on their side, as had several of the men who were arguing against the inclusion of Karna in their battalion. He didn't understand why Krishna was so willing to risk multiple allies for that wicked suta who had committed crimes deserving of him being annihilated on the battlefield by Arjuna. He glanced at the man in question, who was sitting all still and serious. Somehow his silence further fanned Bhima's anger.

"Vasudev Krishna, do enlighten us why we should fight alongside the man who deserted the battlefield and betrayed the Kurus? How are you so certain that he will not repeat this blasphemy when we go to war again?" Vinda asked, his eyes fixed upon Karna in intense loathing.

"Forget it, Vinda. You ask this question to the man famed through Bharata as Ranchod" His brother replied boldly.

Bhima felt his brothers stiffen next to him. The Avanti rulers seemed particularly vitriolic today and were not afraid to take risks.

"Sometimes the biggest victory comes to the one who chooses not to fight," Krishna said softly and his eyes locked with Karna's. There was something in the way they stared at each other, communicating thoughts that only the two of them were privy to. Arjuna noticed it too ,and he leaned forward, trying to decipher the undercurrent of thoughts that ran back and forth between Krishna and Karna at the speed of light.

"Kshatriya Dharma has a word for such men. Coward." King Brihadbala stated, drenching the courtroom in a wave of shock. Kritavarman and Satyaki unsheathed their swords, outraged at the insult, and pointed it straight at Brihadbala in ferocious rage.

Krishna gestured to his loyal chieftains to put their weapons away as Ashwathamma stood up and fixed the Kosala King in a deadly stare. "Day by day, you are steering away from the path of Dharma. The men who you malign as cowards possess wisdom and virtue that are beyond the grasp of your ignorant mind. Do not even attempt to understand them, the only thing you will accomplish is making a complete fool of yourself."

"Dronaputra!" Brihadbala screamed, face red with fury. "I will make you pay for this insult."

Aswathamma looked not even the least bit concerned. If anything, he looked ready to have another go at him but didn't when Karna glanced at him in worry.

"Maharaj Dhritarashtra. We demand to know why Hastinapura is so keen on the support of the same man because of whom it lost the war. We were there, we risked our lives and fought for you bravely and yet you chose the one who deserted the Kuru Kingdom over those who were ready to battle to the death?" Sudakshina thundered.

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