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(In continuation)......

"Enough now. If you cry any longer the whole of Panchala would be submerged in the flood of your tears.", Karna joked and brightened as Lakshmana laughed heartily for the first time since he had met her. Her laughter eased some of his pain , it was like a soothing balm for his soul.

"Ah, so the two of you have met."

Karna whirled around to find Krishna standing at the entrance of the royal gardens, an enigmatic smile dancing on his lips. He walked towards them with the grace of a panther, his movements smooth and fluid, and patted Lakshmana on her back gently.

"There now, dearest daughter-in-law. Are you convinced now? Did I not tell you that no harm has befallen your beloved uncle?", Krishna asked, even as his face was fixed on Karna, and his smile widened.

"Forgive me for my impertinence,  Father in law. I am aware of the distress I have caused you and everyone else back in Dwarka because of my constant worry."  Lakshmana said, head lowered in deference.

Krishna laughed merrily. " I am sure that even as we speak Jambavati has her hands full replacing the carpets that you have worn out with your constant pacing.

Color rose to her cheeks, but Krishna wasn't done yet. "And poor elder brother Balarama will finally get a peaceful night of sleep."

Lakshmana hid her face with her hands and Karna couldn't help but chuckle along with Krishna. She looked so young then, and he wished Vrishali was here to see the transformation of Bhanumathi's daughter from a young, naive girl to a strong, virtuous woman. She would have been delighted at Lakshmana's mannerisms and her pleasant nature that was sure to charm anyone who met her.

"Ah, I knew I would find all three of you here. Didn't I tell you so, Bhadran?"  Ashwathamma asked his chief minister, who nodded at him, grinning at the happy scene playing in front of him. Forgetting her embarrassment , Lakshmana fell down at Ashwathamma's feet, seeking his blessings.

"Rise my daughter. How are you?" Ashwathamma asked, caressing her cheek much like Karna had done before.

"I am well. How are you, Uncle Ashu?"

"Very disturbed."

Lakshmana's mouth fell open. "What is it, uncle? Why are you upset?"

"What else would I be? I had organised this state dinner to welcome the contingent from Dwarka but my most precious daughter did not show up. What else would I be if not upset?"

"Oh, Uncle. Father in law teases me enough, you are supposed to be on my side.", Lakshmana pouted and the four men burst out in laughter at her sweet reply but Lakshmana, worried still, asked him, "Surely, you are only joking Uncle Ashu?"

"Of course, child. Do you think I missed the way your eyes sought out your beloved uncle? Did you think I was not aware of your apprehension as your face kept darting across the palace balconies, seeking him? "

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