『 Chapter 21: The Legend of The BoneKnapper 』

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"Fire!" You heard someone exclaim from the other side of the village. You and Rainsong quickly shared a look before you hopped on her back and lifted off into the air, as fast as you could the two of you flew over to the opposite side, "Get the buckets!" You glanced over and watched as Snotlout grabbed a cart and filled it with water before quickly dumping it over the fire.

You and Rainsong copied his actions, sweeping down towards the ground and grabbing a cart in Rainsong's talons before flying over the open ocean and filling the cart with water. The two of you turned up quickly and flew back over the house before dumping the water on it. You then landed on the ground, getting off your dragon as the other dragons dumped more water on the house, which you now recognized as Gobber's.

You glanced over, seeing Hiccup dismount Toothless and run over towards his father, "Where's Gobber?" He asked causing you to step forward.

"Is he still inside?" You called. Stoick shook his head.

"No. Can't find him." He said, before being interrupted by a loud clanging noise.

"I'm right here!" Gobber called from the forge, "That beast will pay for this!"

Everyone looked at the man confused before Stoick finally decided to speak up, "Gobber, what happened?" He asked, just as confused as everyone else.

"What's it look like?" Gobber growled, "A dragon set my home on fire!" He said wheeling out a wheelbarrow full of weapons.

"What?" You asked in disbelief. None of the dragons on Berk would do that.

Gobber looked up at the sky shaking his prosthetic hand, "You've pushed me too far this time, you ugly bag of bones!"He said, causing Stoick to let out an annoyed sigh.

Hiccup seemed to have the same thought as you, "Dad, what's he talking about? Our dragons don't do that anymore." He said.

"Ah- He doesn't mean one of yours." Stoick informed, "Gobber, for the last time, there is no such thing as a..."

Gobber cut him off, "Boneknapper?" All the villagers groaned in disbelief.

You heard Tuffnut let out a laugh before his sarcastic expression dropped, "A what-knapper?"

"A disgusting, foul beast, wearing a coat of stolen bones, like a giant, flying skeleton!" Gobber explained to the group of you teens who were confused. You glanced over and noticed the smile on the Twins' faces and a smile on Fishlegs face.

"Ooh! The dragon manual says that the Boneknapper will stop at nothing to find the perfect bone to build its coat of armor." Fishlegs breathed, "It's awesome!"

Stoick let out a laugh, "Come on! It's a myth. It doesn't even exist."

You and Hiccup shared a look. You were unsure whether to believe it or not. After everything that happened to you within the past year at this point, a Boneknapper didn't sound super farfetched.

Gobber pointed his hook at Stoick, "I'm telling you, it's real. I've been running from him my whole life!" He then gestured over to his house, "He's the one who started this fire!"

And then, to ruin the moment one of the villagers ran over towards Stoick holding a stick that had a pair of underpants on the end of it, "Stoick! We found Gobber's underpants hanging by the stove. They must have started the fire." As soon as the man finished speaking the village went up in laughter. You stayed quiet, maybe it was- maybe it wasn't.

Stoick then turned towards his friend, "You still think it's the Boneknapper? Or just your underpants?"

"I don't think! I know!" Gobber started, "Somehow he found me again! This dragon is pure evil!"

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