Chapter 12- Happy shopping

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November 12th, 2014

"Right, go and tell me the plan again" Tony instructed with his hands on his hip.

Jayden sighed in exasperation, over the past four days, they've gone through the same thing at least a dozen times. At this point, she knew the plan better than the back of her hand.

"We'll be going in a car to Times Square and then look around in stores and wander around Central Park for a bit before coming back here"

"And how are you going to stay safe?"

"I'll stick with Happy, Theo will stay hidden away in my pocket and I'll have a scarf on so nobody spots my collar," she answered, rubbing her eyes with undisguised boredom.

"If something goes wrong? If you both get separated?"

"Then I use this" she lifted her arm to reveal the smart watch he had given to her the day before. "I'll use the panic button if it's a big emergency"

Tony nodded, looking satisfied. "If that fails, remember you have our and Fury's numbers as backup" Jayden's nose scrunched up at that, she still didn't know what to think of Gothic Pirate. "And as a backup to the backup, JARVIS is connected to the watch with an inbuilt tracker so don't try escaping from me"

"I know, you've told me this a thousand times"

"I've gotta make sure you know this, if anything-"

"I wouldn't be surprised if she's able to recount it word to word from the amount of times you've had her say it," Pepper said, walking into the room with Jayden's coat. "If only you were this pressing when it comes to your own security"

"I would've thought you'd be proud, I'm teaching her to take responsible safety measures, it's a big bad world out there" Tony shrugged.

Pepper gave him a look and handed Jayden her coat, watching as the girl put it on. "To me, it's sounding a lot more like paranoia"

"What is that supposed to mean?" he griped, much to the amusement of Jayden. "I'm only telling her as much as you do me"

"I only do that to you dear because I know you never listen" Pepper notified making Jayden snort.

She bounced on her feet, her hands rubbing together in excitement. "Can we go now, please?"

"We gotta wait till Ha-"

"Sir, Mr. Hogan has arrived with the car" JARVIS curtly interrupted him.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear"

"Let's go! Let's go!" Jayden exclaimed, grabbing Pepper's hand and dragging her along as she rushed to the elevator.

Jayden took a step inside the elevator but paused as her eyes widened in realisation.

"Wait! I need to get something!" She cried rushing over to her room.

"What could you possibly need?" Tony shouted after her.

Jayden reappeared a minute later with something clutched tightly in her hand. Tony furrowed his brows and stared at her with an unrelenting, questioning stare.

Jayden held up her hand to show him the object in her grasp. "Mini Thor" she grinned.

His stare turned into one of bewilderment. "Seriously?"

"He's my good luck charm"

"Yeah, sure kid. Whatever you say" he rubbed his head with the palm of his hand and frowned in confusion as he caught the sight of her glare.

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