First year

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"Why are you sad?" Remus asked the boy sitting on the corner of the table. They had just finished with the talking hat and they were now seated at their allotted tables. the food looked amazing but Remus didn't have much of an appetite and apparently neither did the boy.

"My parents wanted me to get into Slytherin but I'm in Gryffindor. My whole family has been in Slytherin," he replied.

"I wanted to be in Slytherin too," she said, hoping that would cheer him up.

"Really? Why" he asked intrigued.

"Because my mum was in Slytherin"

"And your dad," he asked.

"He's just a normal person," she said, she had forgotten the word the professor had used to call her father.

"Oh. and did your mum also want you to be in Slytherin?"

"My mum's dead," she said.

"Oh. I'm sorry"

"It's ok. She died when I was very little. I don't know much about her. It's always just been my dad and me. But that's why I came here, so I can find out about my mother." she said thinking about how a funny-looking woman with a huge hat had come to visit them one day and changed everything, her dad finally telling her about her mum, that she had been a witch.


"Maybe your parents knew my mum if they were also in Slytherin," she said wistfully

"Maybe if she was a pureblood" he shrugged.

"What's a pureblood," she asked.

"It's--.when both of your parents and their parents and your whole family are wizards."

"Are you a pureblood"

"Yes. and you are a half-blood. But it doesn't really matter," he added as an afterthought.

"I don't know what my mother was."

"What was her name," he asked

"Helene" she replied. "Helene lupin"

"But lupin is your father's last name right"


"What was her maiden name," he asked and Remus felt very stupid of herself, she didn't even know her mother's real name.

"I--'lll ask my dad," she said. And Sirius nodded. Suddenly, all the food on the table vanished. Great, neither of them had eaten anything. The prefects were calling the first years and they both got to leave.

They reached the common room after receiving a password and were being separated into lines of girls and boys. She didn't want to go to the girl's line, they all wore skirts and had long hair and giggled when they talked. She liked Sirius, she wanted to stay with him.

"Where is Remus Lupin?" said the girl prefect, reading from the list of names in her hand. Great, now she had to go. Sirius looked at her confused as she made her way to the girl's line, the whole group was staring at her, and that's when she realized everybody including Sirius had thought she was a boy. Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes and her throat felt sore. She did not want to be here in this magic school anymore, she wanted to go home, back to her dad, and go to her old school.


Remus was quietly crying on the stairs of the astronomy tower, she just had the worst month of her whole life. Her roommates were like the girls who used to tease her in school but just a hundred times worse. "Why do you have a boy's name?"

"Why is your hair so short"

"Why do you wear pants and not skirts"

"I think your really a boy pretending to be a girl" and then, they had all collectively decided that she was a boy. Their favorite pastime was to call her 'boy' a hundred times a day just to hurt her feelings. But Remus held her ground, she wants going to change her hair or clothes or name just because some stupid girls couldn't get over it, but that didn't mean it hurt any less.

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