chapter 1.

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This school is full of bullshit. The people here are so idiotic that I find myself laughing at them. They just can't mind there own business, if they did than I wouldn't be here, in the middle of the hallway, asking for a fucking student who messed with me.

"I-I don-don't know where Mic-Michael is" the guy sitting infront of me stuttered. I smirked when he almost whimpered when I touched his shoulder. He's a lanky guy I don't want anything to do with him but he's got news on that fucktard Michael and I'd rather scare this guy to gain information than actually follow that idiot around.

"Well well well, do you know what happens when someone lies to my fucking face?" I leaned closer to his face. I saw him gulp hard and shook his head, "they die" I whispered very slowly so that only he could hear what I said. I pulled back and locked my eyes with him. My eyes were burning with rage, an anger that begged to be unleashed on his lanky ass. I want to punch his face so bad that the control I have on myself is commendable.

"Now, tell me where Michael is and leave or you'll leave me with no option other than using my fist on your face and I don't want to fuck up your already ugly face" I cocked my head in the side to tell him how serious i am with my threat.

"I really don't know where he is" he cried, my hand was itching to just knock him out. His lips trembled as he tried to say more. I think he's going to pee his pants if I don't let him go. This fucker is not going to open his mouth. Scoffing I raised my hands to punch his face, maybe knock some sense into him or maybe enough fear to open his mouth but before I could hit him a hand stopped me.

"Dude! What the fuck. You're in the middle of the hallway, everyone can bloody see you" Stephen interrupted. My eyes snapped to his in a dark glare, who the fuck does he think he is to stop me.

My fist that was in his hand, clenched and unclenched to free myself. My blood was roaring in my veins, making me dizzy from the heat. My mind was swirling with the images of the guy messing with me. Closing my eyes I took a few deep breaths to calm myslef down, not wanting to dump my attitude on Stephen.

I opened my eyes with a much more sensible mind as the roaring of my blood almost completely calmed down. I was angry but right now the emotion was wrapped in thick canopy of faux calmness. It was there, just not visible. When I knew I won't punch that guy, I snatched my hand back from Stephen's hold and stepped a few steps back to create distance between the guy and myself. Because I know if he's near me I'll probably punch his teeths out.

"Good, they should know not to mess with me," I dusted off the imaginary dust from my hoodie before pulling the sleeves up to my forarms. my head was covered with the hood as I was not happy to make myself an attention with a busted lip and black eye. I was injured but the guy throwing those punches was in a hospital getting treated for three broken ribs and one jaw dislocation. I did a good number on him, but he still got a few Hits.

"By the rate you're fighting, I'm afraid you're not too far from getting arrested" Stephen sighed. I looked over to the place where that lanky ass was but he was nowhere to be seen. Fucking coward.

"And from the rate you're intervening, you're not too far from getting your ass kicked" I retort back and rolled my eyes. Stephen was like a mother hen, always protective and caring while, I only knew how to create Chaos and trouble, I think trouble is my fucking name. Well no too far off, that is.

"You need to craft your ways before it gets out of hand" I ignored him and started walking towards the busy lockers. People stopped what they were doing when I passed them, they looked at me like I'm some sort of Monster, sure there have been places and times where I felt like I deserve those looks but that doesn't mean they have to stop and stare at me like that. Even though I have a tough exterior, it still fucking feels awkward.

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