chapter 2.

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Ivory's POV

I hissed when my hand touched the sore spot on my head. Rubbing it softly to sooth the pain while cursing that idiot. I instantly remembered that stupid guy, he really pulled my ribbon out of my hair, I was left struggling with open hair for the rest of my first day in Le Fluera High. Why would he do something like that, was he in need of a ribbon? And he didn't give it back, he just took that piece with himself.

While that guy was a mean butt, his friend on the other hand was an angel. He helped me with my books and even told me the way to my first class. It slightly lessened my irritation towards that guy. How can Stephen be friends with someone like that guy? I couldn't see his face as he almost ignored me, not to forget he was rude. I don't like rude people, they dampen others mood when they're not having a good day. That's not fair.

Today was my first day in my new high school and I already had a bad experience, though rest of my day passed through swiftly and I also managed to make a friend. Her name was Madeline

I huffed and pulled out my assignments that are expected to be submitted this month. There were three assignments, all with different topics but equally difficult. First one was a worksheet with fifty problems to solve. I was bad in math, very bad, bad enough to never find a x even if it's value is given. And I really don't know why do we have to find a variable when we can simply solve formulae based ones.

The next one was a assignment on getting information about three scientists and write some unknown facts about them, easy? Not, when the scientists are not in the face of Google and to top it all off I have to write a bibliography of them. When I have never heard of their names than how can I write bibliographies?

Third one was easy from the other two, I have to write an essay on a picture I clicked. My topic was 'unexpected'. I have to click a picture where the thing or person wasn't expecting to look like that but did and I clicked the moment. Than I have to write an essay about what was so intriguing about that picture, what called me in to take its picture and why did I took its photograph. The last assignment seemed fun but I have nothing to put in my frame.

Placing all the papers and books in my seat I decided to start of with the most difficult. The math one, I'd better get rid of this earlier. Sitting on my desk, I started to work on the papers. To the say the least, it was mind boggling. I thought all of my brain cells were slowly chewing each other, and until I complete the problems I'll be left with only two brain cells, in the process of eating each other.

After struggling for two hours and almost completing fifteen problems, I looked up to check the time. 5:15, I sighed, I still have forty five minutes before work. Wrapping up all of the papers, i stood up from the chair and fell face first on the bed. I didn't know how but I found myself falling asleep.

I woke up with a jolt and checked the time once again to see it was exactly six. My eyes widened, I was getting late for work. I needed to be at the cafe at six but I'm home. Rushing into the washroom, I washed my face, added a little bit of toner, mascara and two strokes of lip gloss. Making my way towards my cupboard, I opted for a light pink sweatshirt and black jeans with my favorite white converse.

And lastly after putting everything on, I walked over to my dresser, where I have all of my ribbons. I pluck one white ribbon out, pushed two strands of my hair back and tied them together with my ribbon into a bow. I was happy with way I look. Smiling in the mirror, everyone should do that at least ones a day. Give yourself the happiest smile you have, it makes you feel beautiful.

I took my bag and descended downstairs, the steps creaked with the weight of my body, it was a dead giveaway when someone was coming downstairs in the middle of the night, I've been caught so many times for eating ice cream in the middle of the night in winters. My dad would know when I come downstairs, his room is right across the corner, beside the kitchen. But he never scolded me, instead he joins me and we both eat our ice cream in peace. He's the best.

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