Chapter 19

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Andrew's POV

The shock of Cleo's words still rung in our ears as we all took in the transparent view of Diane's mother as the little that held my hand finally let go and ran over to jump into her arms as she smiled back at me with the biggest and brightest smile that I had ever seen.

"In more accurate terms, I'm Diane's mother before everything went to hell for Diane and our family." The woman states as she plays with her daughter at the same time.

"How does that make any sense?" Ivory asks from somewhere in the group behind me.

"The witch, she's been extracting Diane's memories for the past couple of weeks." A man states as he came from farther down the hall to stand with the woman, "She's trying to find the things that Diane cares about the most... but because her magic doesn't work on Diane like it works on others, she hasn't been able to extract anything but what Diane wants her to take."

"As impressive as that is, how can that be?" Val asks in a thoughtful tone.

"It has something to do with her linage." Cleo responds in a soft tone as she stares at the transparent family before her, "She always mentioned that there was something special, dangerous but special about her linage. Something that she only got from her mother's side... she never told me what it was though, just that it was why she could do most of the stuff that she can as well as giving her a better defense against other stuff too."

"She wouldn't be able to tell you much about it because I never got to tell her more about it beyond the fact that it had to do with me and my family." The woman states calmly.

"I don't care about her past, I want to protect Diane. I want to show her that she has a bright future by my side as my mate." I growl out in frustration as I run a hand through my hair roughly.

"Her mate?" The man states in a soft manner before looking to the woman, "They could save her for us."

"For you?" Claude comments in disbelief, "These may be her memories, but as far as I'm concerned, you're still the woman who went crazy after that man leaves you."

"And who forced her own daughter to rip out your heart in order to kill you so that she could finally be free of your darkness." Cleo added in slight fear as well as anger.

"As her parents in this form, we want nothing more than to protect our little moonbeam from the dangers of the world that we live in." The woman tells us sincerely as they look to the three year old in her arms.

"Then who is RK? And how can we save her from him?" I ask this time, trusting them to help me save the daughter that they abandoned in reality.

"RK stands for Rogue King... I turn into RK." The man tells us sadly as he carefully pets his sleepy daughter's head in a loving manner as I now take in that bit of information.

"How are we supposed to save her from her own father?" Mike asks from his place next to Cleo.

"You follow someone who knows what RK and RG were like after their family was destroyed by one immensely stupid witch." A new voice cuts through, one that is familiar yet strange to my ears as the couple turn around to find a young girl of around 10 comes walking down the hall.

This young girl was also transparent. She was thin but looked like she was starting to gain a little bit of muscle on her lanky form. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail with only a few strands that had come lose framing her face even though most of her face was hidden behind the bangs that she had swept to the right side of her face and behind her ear. The young girl wore a dark blue jean jacket over a hoodie that she had lazily pulled up to loosely cover her head as well as a pair of faded blue jeans that had a couple of rips in them due to wear-and-tear that had been done to them. The boots that she was wearing looked like they were a couple of sizes too big for her because she had taken the laces and wrapped them completely around he leg before tying them so that they wouldn't fall off of her feet when she walked. A wolf pup was with the young girl, sticking close to her side as if she were trying mold the two of them together.

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