Chapter 18

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Cleo's POV

I was becoming more and more agitated these last few weeks, both me and my wolf... we were so close to our Blood Sister, yet far enough away that we couldn't tell what was going on with her. Add on the fact that we had been in Chandler's safe zone supposedly planning out how we were going to help my stubborn ass Sister for just two weeks and I was getting dangerously close to having my pups while trying to save my Sister. I literally had anywhere from a week to two weeks before my twin pups would finally be in my arms instead of in my bulging belly... and I had every intention of having them at home right after I got my sister out of the mess that's she was neck deep in.

"Honey? Are you okay?" Mike asked me in a worried tone as he gently massaged my back and neck for me.

"No. I'm not." I snap as I force myself into a standing position and waddle my way toward where the main group that was helping us get Diane back, were all huddled together, arguing about different ways to get in to where she was, "If you don't have a plan put together by now, I'm walking down there and busting her out myself!"

Every single head whipped in my direction in shock and then fear as they saw how livid I was... I had been getting into some really bad moods recently because of the fact that both my wolf and I were getting restless. We wanted nothing more than to be safe at home with our Sister, having a calm evening dinner and waiting for my pups to be born.

"I don't hear anyone telling me what the plan that you came up with is!" I snap at them in an angry hormonal tone as I place my hands upon my hips, "My Sister is down there and only the Goddess knows what's happening to her as you all sit here and argue over what to do in order to help her!"

"It's not that simple Cleo." Val sighs as she comes over to place the cool skin of her soft palms upon my forehead and neck gently, "We have a plan, and a damn good one... if only we knew a way to enter the castle without RK knowing that we're there until we're already in his face getting Diane back."

"Why don't you just use the Secret Cellar entrance?" I questioned as I felt myself calming down a little as confusion replaced my anger... if all they needed was a way in, why hadn't they just asked me.

"The what entrance?" Claude's head, which had turned back to the map, snaps back in my direction as he processes the words that I had just uttered.

"The Secret Cellar? It's like a hideaway bunker, the one that Diane's kin used as..." I started to explain before face palming myself gently, "It's one of her memories that got shared when we became Blood Sisters... anything she thought I would need to know about her past for security reasons got passed through. Most of them don't become known until they're needed though. That Castle, is where Diane's old pack used to live... her original pack, the one that she was born into, the one she would have become Alpha of and the one that the witch had killed off after Diane's mother ran off with her. It was their pack house."

Everyone was silent as they took in my words, Andrew was clearly absorbing every single detail about Diane's childhood that I was speaking simply for the fact that it was information about his mate and he wanted to know everything about her... even more so now that he knew that RK was someone from her past.

"So where is this entrance, and how do we navigate our way into the Castle since it's not on any of these maps?" Andrew asks me in a gentle tone because I was the next  best thing to having his mate actually standing near him.

"I lead you, or course." I state in a matter of fact manner before turning to start waddling my way silently through the trees toward the Castle my sister was facing one of her personal nightmares in, "The entrance only opens for those of Blood... which means I'd have to be there regardless, but I also have memories of the secret halls and passage ways that will help us remain unseen by RK and his gang of retarded mutts."

"I wish we had had this information days ago." Slyvia comments as she and Melissa come to flank me as the entire group moves to follow me through to the Castle down below.

"Not my fault you all seemed to have forgotten that she and I are Blood Sisters. Now lets go get her so that we can get her home and I can finally have these pups with their Godmother present." I respond in a moody grumble as we get closer and closer to the Secret Cellar entrance that Diane had used to rescue me a couple years ago... even though it felt like a life time ago.

Andrew's POV

Cleo led the way to the secret entrance of the massive castle like building that had at one time been the home of my mate... the number of burdens that my mate was keeping to herself because she felt like she couldn't share them with anyone, was both understandable due to the history behind most of them, as well as a blow to me and my wolf. It felt like she still didn't trust us to a degree... but we hadn't even had the chance to earn it either.

There's something ahead of us. - My wolf warns me as we all feel a strange sense of magic begin to fill the secret hallways that they were walking through.

Cleo had stopped waddling, trying to locate the source of the energy that was building up. It was while everyone's focus was ahead of the group that I suddenly felt a small hand slip into my own... and the owner of it bewildered me as I turned my head to look into the face of a Three year old girl that was smiling so brightly at me. Her smile seemed so familiar to me as she started tugging on my hand gently, leading me down a hall where glowing orbs were floating about like bubbles that had yet to burst. -

"But I don't want to marry the next Alpha!" A voice came from on of the bubbles that floated by and I saw the young girl around Three pouting in front of her parents as she sat on the ground, "Daddy, do you really want to see me with some other man when I get older? I thought you were going to be the only man in my life?"

"I'll rip apart any man who tries to take away my little Princess." The man said as he scooped up the little girl and she giggled as he tossed her into the air, "My daughter is to precious for any guy to ever have."

"I feel sorry for her mate then." The woman laughed softly as she watched her loved ones, Love pouring out of her entire being as her gentle gaze watched how the two of them interacted.

"What are these things?" Mike asked as Cleo and the others had started to follow me since I had branched off on my own.

"We are memories... Diane's memories." A new and whimsical voice cut through and we were met by the sight of the woman from the bubble.

"Who are you?" I asked the woman but was cut off by Cleo's gasp.

"She's Diane's Mother."

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