Chapter 4: Surprise Attack

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As both if them ran towards each other neither one of them summoned their weapons. Naito started with an uppercut which caught Shizuku off guard. Shizuki then leaped to kick Naito in the head but he seemed to anticipate it and countered it with his hammer. "Haha do you think an attack like that can stop me?", he said comically. "I did make you summon your weapon didn't I", he said mocking Naito. Naito then looked at Shizuki angrily and rushed towards him. Shizuki prepared himself for the impact but suddenly an explosion occur near the entrance of the school. "What was that?", asked Naito as he was stopping his attack. "I don't know probably some type explosion", wondered Shizuki. "Theres been an explosion, everyone most either get to class or accompany a teacher to a safe area now!", said a voice in the crowd of people watching them fight. "It's the principle, Mr. Shio Hoshigaki!!", said Cate rushing toward Shizuki. "You kids get to class, i'll be right there", ordered the teacher with a worried face. While everyone ran back to class, the teacher and Mr. Shio ran towards the explosion to investigate. Out the class window they could see Mr. Shio and their teacher face against what looked like the hunters from before but they looked stronger and there were even more of them this time. "So what's the plan, Shio", asked the teacher. "Maybe you should release your power first, you know better than that, Tatsu", said the principle. "Hmph you were never the patient type, were you?", asked Tastu sarcastically. For a moment everything was quite, then suddenly an explosion of power was suddenly released. "Shizuki, come look at this", said Cate. "What is it?", he asked. "It's that guy from earlier and he's standing where the teacher was", she explained. "Come to think of he looks like our teacher but instead he has snowy white hair.", she added. "Are you trying to say that the man he helped us earlier is our teacher!?", asked Shizuki with a surprised look.

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