Chapter 5: Final Combo

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"Are you ready, Tatsu", asked Shio look foward with a straight face. "You know I am, now which one of us should go first?", asked Tatsu. Without hesitation, Shio leaped into battle without answering the question.
"Hey, wait up, you didn't even answer", screamed Tatsu as he ran towards Shio. "You take the left and i'll take the right. If they get to the buildings let the class president handle it", explained Shio. "Alright!", said Tatsu as he nodded his head. As they both leaped into battle, the class president just stood there looking at them. "Please,please,please, let at least some get through. I haven't fought since yesterday", thought the class president. She wore a black shirt with a tie that had a rabbit design on it. She also wore black pants and some type of dress shoes with seemed to be merged with her outfit. A blast of cold air can be felt from inside the building. "Wow, did it suddenly get cold in here?" asked Shizuki. "Mr. Minamoto and the principle are fighting out there" explained Cate. "Should we help them?", asked Shizuki. "They seem to have things under control", said Naito in his deep voice. The cold air suddenly disappears and a fiery sensation overwhelms every. Shizuki then starts feeling angry and starts seeing flashbacks about the dream. "Shizuki are you ok?, asked Cate with a confused look. "Yeah, it's just a headache", he then replied. The two teachers were almost done with the hunters but then the leader stepped in. "So you to are the guys who're messing with our price money? An old man and a nerd", wondered the leader. "Old man! I am Tatsu Minamoto and don't you forget it", said Tatsu. "Tatsu let's just end this quickly. Don't you have a class to teach?", asked Shio. "Fine, let's do this", agreed Tatsu. Both of them merged their powers to make a giant icicle with a fiery core. They both yelled and aimed at the leader. The leader then looked up to see a giant blueish red light that then struck him and caused an explosion of beautiful shards of ice shine in the air. "Fall back man, we need to retreat", said one of the hunters. "Hahaha, yeah you better run", said Tatsu. "Alright, we're done here, now get back to class. You're students must be eager to learn some new moves and special attacks after this and don't forget the reduce you're power", reminded Mr. Shio while walking back to the building.
"Fine", answered Tatsu. As he powered down, his clothes turned back to normal and his weapon disappeared. "Alright, let's go",he thought in his mind as he smiled and started walking back to the class.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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