Chapter 2: First Day Of School

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"Thanks for waking me up, Cate" said Shizuki with a smile. "No problem, you don't want to be late on our first day", Cate then replied. They walked for 10 minutes and stopped at a local shop to buy some fruit to eat before class starts. "Let me guess, it was the same dream as yesterday", she asked. "Yea but this time I heard someone talking and even more mysterious is that they knew my name", he explained. They continued chatting for about 5 minutes about the dream and why he has screaming but Shizuki has never good at remembering his dreams. Ding-Dong, "oh look what time it is Shizuki, let's get going if we don't want to be late" she said. "Alright", he agreed. Shizuki started walking and Cate flow upward to see how far they would have to walk. "Only a couple of blocks left", she told Shizuki. "Why do u have to fly, I can fly to but you don't see me showing off", he said with a serious face. Cate was born a vampire and I was born half dragon. Neither of them got to meet their parents so their bond is rather strong. "Why don't we just fly there?", Cate asked. "Because if we're seen by the "hunters" we'll get caught and sold as slaves" he answered. Monster hunters are usually really weak but when they travel in groups, they could be rather troubling. "Hey look we're almost there!", yelled Cate. Suddenly a band of hunters ambushed them. "We saw you flying around little girl" said the hunter leader. "And you boy, do you know how much a vampire is worth?", he then told Shizuki. They stood their in silence as the group of hunters surrounded them. "Cate, get behind me", he ordered her. "Ok", she answered. "I summon upon the great dragon, give me strength to protect those I care about", he chanted. Two dragon swords suddenly appeared out of thin air. One of them had a writing that translated into "courage", the other sword translated into "heart". The handle had a dragon head feature with a tail hooking up to his arms. "Now leave or else", Shizuki threatened. "Or else what, you'll stab us with your little daggers", the hunter asked sarcastically. The men continued to surround them and then started drawing their swords too. Out of nowhere, a blast of icy wind shot down from above and knocked out all the hunters. "Are you alright?", someone asked. Shizuki looked up and saw a man dressed in white with a black belt the said "Ice", he also had a some type of weapon, it looked like a sword but the handle was in the middle with two sword attached to it. "Who are you?", asked Cate. "I am Tatsu Minamoto", he answered "if i were you i'd hurry to your class, you're gonna be late". A icy wind suddenly cloaked the man and after two seconds the man was gone.
"He's right lets go before we're late", said Cate. "Alright" Shizuki answered. They continued to go to class but something was occupying Shizuki's mind.

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