Chapter 3: Teaching Ground

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They entered the classroom to find many different types of monsters then they've expected. "Welcome, please take a seat you two", said the teacher who was writing on the board. Shizuki took the seat in the far right of the class near the window. Cate took the seat right next to him. "Ok class time to tell us your names", the teacher announced. "You in the back, why don't you tell us your name, what monster you are, and your weapon of choice", he said to Shizuki.
"My name is Shizuki Phantasm, i'm a Dragonaut, and my weapons are...", he said. Suddenly a man walked in class and interrupted Shizuki before he could finish."Sorry i'm late, my name in Naito Shukaku, i'm a Orc, and my weapon of choice is my trusty hammer" he said in an intimidating way. He sat down in front of Cate and just stared at her. "Hey girl, how about we ditch this place and go eat" he asked her. "Drop dead, I wouldn't be caught alive going out with you" she answered. "Hmph, I guess your right but I always get my way", he added. "If your done, we have a student who hasn't finished their introduction", the teacher interrupted. "Ok young man, continue", he said to Shizuki. "...and my weapon is a dual-blade summoned by chanting a spell my grandfather taught me, I call it Draco.", he said finishing his sentence. The class just stared at him as if he said something terrible."wait, you can summon your own weapon", said Naito. "Yea can't everyone", he said. "Summoning a weapon takes a lot if energy and focus. Only certain monsters can do that", said the teacher. Ding-Dong. "Alright class, I guess we'll continue this activity later. Enjoy your lunch.", the teacher said as he walked out. "Hey pipsqueak!", yelled Naito. "Come with me". Naito shows Shizuki to the court yard then drops his bag. "Do you know where we are", he asked. "No", answered Shizuki. "This is the Sparring Area, this is where we demonstrate our power", he explained. "Now fight me!!", he yelled. Out of nowhere the teacher appeared and explained the rules,"The match can only last for 10 minutes or until the opponent is injured severely, no power release over 50%, and be careful with the buildings, now begin."

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