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i dragged myself through the streets, grimacing at the taste of blood in my mouth, but the pain from the battle hardly compared to where i was going next. i wish i had another choice, but this was the only person i knew around here. painstakingly, i found the place i was looking for.

weakly, i knocked on his door. no answer. he probably saw me and wanted to watch me rot on his doorstep.

i knocked louder, the blood on my knuckles staining the door.

"listen, i know you don't want anything to do with me and trust me, this is the last place i want to be but i don't know what else to do." i said as loudly as i could, my voice cracked and strained. after what felt like years, the door opened and i saw him. he looked disgusted. as usual. "finally. i...can i come in?" i asked, hating how pitiful i sounded.

he looked over me, the look of disgust twisting to shock and maybe...concern?

"don't get blood on anything."

i smiled in relief, trying to give him the least satisfaction possible. i tried to pull myself inside and collapsed in the doorway. i felt his hand steady me.

"don't touch me, i can walk." i snapped.

"a 'thank you' would be nice."

my head was pounding and the edges of my vision were getting fuzzy but i managed to stand and pushed the door closed, leaning against it.

"thanks." i managed.

"so you look...worse than usual." he teased, but his tone was softer than the biting insults i was used to. "you can stay tonight. but just because i feel sorry for you." i waved away the pity, avoiding his eyes. i pulled some bloody coins from my pocket and offered them.

"for your trouble." i said shortly.

"i don't want your disgusting blood mixed up in my stuff." he said. "if you can walk, then get yourself to the bathroom and clean yourself up." he gestured towards the washroom and made his way to the kitchen, out of my sight. i sighed in relief, determined to walk but glad that he wouldn't see me struggle.

i pushed myself off the door and staggered towards the bathroom. the spots in my eyes threatened to overtake my entire vision and i tried to steady myself.

i took two steps and everything went black. i hardly felt myself slam into the hardwood. before my senses went completely numb, i could have sworn i heard something break in the kitchen and quick footsteps running towards me, a voice shouting my name.

i had no idea how long i was out, but i remember waking up in an unfamiliar bed. i examined my surroundings, finding a glass of water on the bed stand. i sat, noticing that i was wearing oversized clothes that smelled familiar but weren't mine. my wounds were dressed. i was clean and my hair was wet but with water this time, not blood.

"oh good. you're up."

i jolted and turned to see him leaning against the wall, arms crossed.

"why did you-"

"well i couldn't have you bleeding all over my sheets, now could i?"

i looked at him in disbelief. i noticed that he was wearing his gear and had his bag with him. i hastily changed the subject.

"are you going somewhere? if i'd known you had plans i would have passed out in someone else's hallway." i teased and started to laugh before a sharp pain in my chest forced me to let out a strangled cough.

before i knew it, he was beside me with a reassuring hand on my back until my coughing fit subsided. i didn't have the energy to push him off.

"you're insufferable, you know that?" he asked, and handed me the water. i grabbed it from him and drained the entire glass. "i don't have...plans per se, i just have a question for you."

"i'm hardly in a position to deny your questions. shoot."

"what happened? why...who did this to you?"

i looked up at him and saw a flicker of anger and concern before he quickly resumed his usually nonchalant expression. i blinked in surprise.

"why do you care? do you need them to pay my medical fees?" i chuckled a little but the anger was back in his eyes and i quickly stopped. "look, it's my own damn fault. they had something i wanted and i didn't think. i took on a little more than i could handle."

"are you serious? god, i knew you could be stupid but how fucking careless can you be?" he admonished, his voice raising. "you couldn't have asked for some backup? you could have gotten yourself killed!" he began to pace the small room.

"i don't know anyone around here! who could i have asked?"

he stopped pacing and turned towards me, his rage mixing with exasperation.

"you know me! what the hell is the matter with you? you could have asked me!"

i laughed in disbelief, gesturing accusatorially. "oh, and i'm sure you would have helped. you're very well known for your desire to help me, aren't you?" i shouted sarcastically. if i wasn't so hurt i would have stood up and walked out but i couldn't risk blacking out again.

he strode towards me, getting in my face.

"if i'd known that you'd have gotten yourself this fucking hurt of course i would have helped! i would have been there in two seconds, by your side to fight anything. to fight anyone!"

i stared at him for a moment.

"and why the fuck would you do that for me?" i asked sharply, forcing myself not to back away.
he glared at me and raised a hand, and i lifted my hands in defense. "i've already won one fight today and you're an idiot if you think i can't take on someone as pathetic as y-"

with the hand he raised, he held the back of my neck and pulled me closer to his face.

he kissed me. gently so as not to hurt me but passionately enough for me to understand what he meant.

i gripped the collar of his shirt, and kissed him back.

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