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"you know, if you wanted to be closer to me you could have just asked." i grinned, feeling the blade up against my neck.

"shut the fuck up." she snapped, her annoyance with me apparent.

"i'm just saying, you're practically on top of me." i teased, and felt the sharp edge begin to cut into me as she tensed. "careful with that, someone could get hurt."

"that's the point you fucking..." she trailed off, mumbling angrily.

"you're cute when you're mad." i said, reaching up and pushing some of her hair back behind her ear.
she turned bright red and moved the blade from my neck to slash at my arm, giving me the chance i was waiting for.

i knocked the blade out of her grasp and pinned her wrist against her back, pushing her against the wall. she struggled against my grip, panting.

"you really need to learn how to control your emotions. you almost had me there," i chuckled.
i let her go, grabbing the knife for myself and pocketing it. "i'm sure i'll see you again soon, considering the fact that you can't seem to bear being apart from me." she glared, and i laughed.

briefly, i found myself seeing her through a new lens. amid all that rage she was...almost beautiful. i shook the thought from my head. "thanks for the knife!" i gloated, and left her seething behind me.

enemies to lovers oneshots Where stories live. Discover now