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"he's not good for you." i commented, watching her boyfriend walk away.

"and that's your, exactly?" she asked.

"it's not. i'm just saying."

"i don't get your problem with him."

"he's obnoxious and you seem...drained whenever you come back from hanging out with him." i explained.

"sounds like you're jealous." she grinned.

"ew." i rolled my eyes. "that's the farthest thing from the truth. i just...i don't know, he rubs me the wrong way."

"well he rubs me the right way." she laughed, but i could see how tired her eyes were.

"gross. i don't want to picture that." i responded, wrinkling my nose in disgust. "he's...i don't know. i think he talks to you like he's superior."

"then keep your thoughts to yourself." she snapped, suddenly angry. "it's not my fault you can't get laid."

"i just have high standards." i retorted "i'd never let anyone speak to me the way he speaks to you."

"again, i don't see how any of that's your business! fuck off and let me make my own damn choices!"

"calm down! this is just like you to make little comments into such a big deal! talking to you is exhausting." i said, starting to get annoyed.

"don't tell me to calm down!" she shouted back sharply.

i paused for a moment.

"does he know? you didn't even tell him, did you?" i asked accusatorially.

"tell him what?" she asked, and i couldn't help but laugh.

"so you're not even going to acknowledge it? you're fucking unbelievable!"

she stood up and started to get in my face.

"acknowledge what?" she taunted. "say it. because it seems like it meant a hell of a lot more to you than it did to me!"

"please, one fuck with someone like you is completely unmemorable." i scoffed.

"so then why does it matter whether or not i told him?" she replied, glaring at me. "you're nothing to me, and believe it or not, i don't think to tell everyone i date about one completely 'unmemorable' night! it meant nothing! let it go!"

i smirked. "nothing? it didn't seem to be nothing when you kissed me! reminder: you kissed me first!"

"let. it. go." she repeated through gritted teeth.

"seems like you still have some unresolved feelings." i snarled. she chuckled angrily and pulled her hair up into a ponytail.

i'm not sure who threw the first punch.

"you fight like a girl." i growled.

she connected a swift kick to my ribs and i heard something crack. i swung at her and she ducked.

"and you fight like a boy." she scoffed, and i looked at her. fists raised, blood in her teeth and that familiar spark in her eyes. she seemed...energized. i swung again and this time landed a blow. blood began to flow from her nose.

she laughed, spitting blood at my feet. her eyes were wild, her hair coming loose from her ponytail, her laugh almost crazed.

she looked beautiful.

"is that the best you got?" she taunted and hit me with a sharp uppercut and suddenly i was looking at the stars. without a second thought i grabbed at her arm and threw her roughly to the ground. her head slammed into the concrete and she cried out. i leaned over her.

"pathetic." i hissed.

she kicked my knees out from under me, causing me to fall flat on my back and this time the stars i saw were black and interrupting my vision. no time wasted, she got to her feet and looked down at me, grinning.

"you're getting worse at this." she gloated, and stepped on my chest as i tried to stand, pushing me back down. i was staring to feel exhausted and she could tell. i managed the strength to throw her off, and threw another punch at her face but she was quicker than i was.

darting around me, she gripped my wrists and belted them together and kicked me square in the back, forcing me to my knees. she leaned over me.

"i win." she grinned. i panted, looking up at her.

"this time." i reminded her. she lifted my damaged chin with a bloody hand and looked me over. blood from her nose was dripping on my face.

"you're bleeding on me."

"choke on it." she spat, and shoved me back with the hand that was on my jaw. i laughed.

"same time next week?" i asked, and she smirked at me and turned to walk away, leaving me to try to get my hands free.

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