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i walked into the weapons shop, a cheerful bell signaling my entrance. the large man behind the counter nodded at me in acknowledgment and i headed to the back of the store, hoping to find a couple new daggers.

as i looked over them, i heard a gratingly familiar voice.

"-there's just no way something like this costs that much..." i heard her mutter. glancing up, i saw her holding a sword, testing its weight. she clearly hadn't noticed me.

"talking to yourself again?" i couldn't help but tease. startled, she dropped the weapon loudly and rolled her eyes when she saw me.

"is there anywhere i can go where i don't have the displeasure of running into you?" she asked.

"it's a small town." i shrugged. "how much is that thing anyways? too expensive for your broke ass?"

"hardly." she spat back and picked up the sword, handing it to me. "look for yourself."

i looked at the price and sure enough, she was right. the price was absurd. i whistled lowly. "for this?" i asked incredulously.

"i know. but i'm going to try to negotiate the price with the shopkeep."

"just find a less expensive one." i pushed to sword back into her hand.

"but i want this one."

i sighed, rolling my eyes. "you're so fucking stubborn. you're an idiot if you think you can talk the price down."

"it's worth a shot." she argued, and made her way to the front of the store. i followed, never one to miss an opportunity to make fun of her. "stalker." she said when she saw me behind her.

"i just can't wait to see you get totally shut down by this guy." i leaned against the wall and gestured for her to go ahead, smirking.

"hi! i was wondering if i could discuss the price on this?" she asked the shopkeep sweetly, placing the sword on the counter.

the man scoffed, looking at the sword. "my prices are fixed, lady."

"i understand that but the quality of the craftsmanship doesn't match the price."

he gave her a nasty smile and narrowed his eyes. "and how much would you reduce the price?"

she didn't blink. "i'd gladly pay half price. even that is generous."

i watched the exchange. she wasn't wrong, the sword was not nearly crafted well enough for the price to be jacked that high.

the shopkeep laughed uproariously and shook his head. "no. the price stays where it is."

she shrugged. "no problem, i'll find somewhere more fairly priced."

that seemed to get to him. he stood up and leaned over the counter, completely dwarfing her. she didn't flinch, maintaining eye contact. "maybe i don't want your business anyways." he growled and tossed the sword at her, causing her to take a few steps back as she caught it. "put it back."

she rolled her eyes and started to put the sword back in its place. i opened my mouth to gloat when i was cut off by the shopkeep's rough voice.

"fuckin' bitch."

i didn't even think before slowly approaching the counter.

"i'm sorry, what did you just call her?" i asked, my voice dangerously soft.

"leave it." she tried to cut in, but the man simply held up a hand towards her to silence her. he didn't even look at her.

"i called her a bitch. if you have a problem with that, you can-"


my fist connected with his face before he could finish his sentence. i felt bones crack, though i was unsure as to whether they were my fingers breaking or his jaw shattering. maybe both. i held the collar of his shirt, forcing him to look at me. his 'tough guy' act was long gone.

"don't you ever." i snarled, getting in his face. "speak to her like that again. do you understand me?"

"look, look, i'm a reasonable guy. she can have the sword. as an apology. it's a gift. i'm sorry miss." he rambled. i looked over at her. she started at me, seemingly shocked. she cleared her throat.

"i,'s okay. thanks." she managed. i pushed the shopkeep back and he fell over his stool onto the ground.

"well, i'm glad we got that settled." i said, straightening my jacket. "ready to go?" i asked her. she nodded and followed me out of the shop, carrying the sword.

"why did you-" she started to ask.

"don't mention it." i cut her off, and we went out separate ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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