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i woke up to the familiar sound of the bustling inn. clanking dishes from the kitchen downstairs preparing breakfast, the low hum of conversation and muffled laughter from the other side of the closed door reached my ears and i kept my eyes shut, trying to salvage the last of the peace that sleep brought.

my head was pounding. definitely a hangover.

what happened last night?

an unfamiliar but comfortable weight was rested on my chest and i forced myself to finally open my eyes.

she was laying on me, chest rising and falling gently as she slept. i blinked aggressively.

seriously, what the fuck happened last night?

her usually neatly braided hair was loose, splayed around her sleeping form. scratches and bruises covered her skin. i froze, realizing that neither of us were fully dressed.

oh god.

son of a bitch.

it all came rushing back.

i don't even remember what the fight was about. one of many. i remembered her fists flying at me and my refusal to hold back. being kicked from the bar. pulling her to my room. biting insults that became biting teeth. fists became caresses. pulling punches became pulling hair.


i couldn't even decide if i regretted it or not. i couldn't deny that i'd thought about rage filled passion when i looked at her. i loved the way her cold and indifferent demeanor shifted when i threw an insult towards her. the way she'd lose her words and stumble over her immaculate conversation skills. her smirk when she got a hit in.

i steadied myself as best i could and took in my surroundings.

the room was, in a word, a disaster.

curtains torn from the rod, sheets tangled and my desk had been unceremoniously cleared. my belongings scattered the ground. ripped clothing littered the room.

everything was such a blur. i remembered her sharp nails on my flesh, my hands tearing at her clothes. the way our teeth bumped from how desperately and viciously i had kissed her. or...she kissed me.

she stirred, and white hot anxiety flashed through me. how was i going to explain this? what was she going to say? she hummed contentedly and sleepily pulled me closer. my breath hitched. did i want this? i hated her.


her eyes blinked open and she looked confused before realizing where she was. quickly, she recoiled.

"no fucking way." she muttered to herself. i cleared my throat

"good morning."

she snapped up to look at me.

"oh my fucking god. did we...?"

"i think so."

she pressed her lips together and was silent for a long time, clearly processing what we'd done.

"was it at least good?" she asked finally.

"honestly, i don't remember much." i admitted. though yes, i assumed it was good. better than good. but i wasn't going to tell her that.

"damn, your first sex and you don't even remember it." she said with a slight smirk. she was baiting me.

"what makes you think this was my first-"

"come on, look at you." she teased, and reached up to trace what i could guess was one of many scratches on my throat. i brushed her off.

"it's just sex. less than that. drunk sex." i said, rolling my eyes.

a flicker of something crossed her eyes. anger? hurt? i couldn't make it out.

"obviously." she replied.

there was an uncomfortable silence. half of me wanted to apologize.

"well," she continued finally. "let's just never mention this again. it never happened."

i nodded and passed her one of my cloaks, which she wrapped around herself.

"it never happened." i repeated.

but it did happen.

and i didn't regret a second of it.

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