Part 1 getting ready

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Tylor was getting ready to go hang out with his new friends Mei, Miriam, Priya, and of course Abby they were going to the rescheduled 4 Townie concert since the last one was a bust he couldn't wait to his personal favorite Aaron Z.

Tyler: Hey what time should we meet at the front gates of the stadium?

Miriam: we are meeting at 6:30 since mei has to finish cleaning. -_-

Mei: HEY it's not my fault my mom told me I had to before I go!

Priya: it's all good Mei she's just messing with ya!

Mei: ya ya anyways see you guys there!

Abby: see you all there to!!

Tyler then closes his chat and walks out his room.

Mom! Ima start heading to the park now! (Tyler wanted to tell his mom that he was going to a boy band concert but since she would be horrified he decided to keep it on the low)

Alright honey! Have fun with your friends don't get into to much trouble!

I wont mom! Love you I'll be home by at least 9:30 ok!

Ok Tyler!

He then walked out the door and headed his way towards the stadium he was pretty nervous for this concert but he was ready at the same time he soon got to the stadium it was 6:27 he waited for his friends to arrive.

Soon the group of girls ran to him squealing and yelling.

Ahhh I cant wait to see our boys!!! Screamed the girls

Hey hey calm down I'm not trying to go death before hearing them play Tyler then laughed and the girls just give him a nudge.

Ok let's go get to good spot to see the show we want the best view of this concert for it will forever change our life's said Mei with a smile

They soon walked in and set themselves up eagerly waiting with the rest of the 4 Townies. Then the lights went off and the countdown began 1..2...3....4 and boom the boys came out in some flashy white clothes they were in cages like the last time before the show was ruined.

Then they started to sing their hit single " Nobody like you"

I'm never met nobody like you~

Ahh I cant believe this is happening!! Yelled out Abby  Pinch me it must be a dream!!

Tyler the started to move through the crowd with Mei and his girls but soon got lost with the crowd.

And then he saw him the boy he was most eager to see Aaron z he soon started running toward him rushing threw countless girls and then he yelled out "I LOVE YOU AARON Z" but then instantly regretted it because Aaron ended up turning around and staring him in the eyes.

Tyler then blushed and hid his face not expecting him to notice.

Aarons POV:

I was singing me and my boys hit single and then out of no where I here someone yell out at the top of their lungs "I LOVE YOU AARON Z" I wasn't expecting that since my other boys get most of the fans so I turned and I saw the prettiest boy I've ever seen he seemed shocked I had looked in the first place and then hid his head.

I wanted to get a better look at this boy so I started to dance and sing more towards his direction I then got on my knees and grabbed his hand which made him look up.

Tyler's POV:
I was so embarrassed I couldn't even move them out of no where someone grabs my hand so then I look was Aaron z but why? I was panicking.

And then while looking in my eyes he sang the lyrics "I'm never not your ride or die~" I swear I was about to pass out the guys in the band then started to look at us so then the whole crowd stared with them.

I didn't care tho I was too busy staring into Aaron's eyes he then stopped singing and then gave me a peck on the lips! I was fumbled he then blushed and stubbled a bit back his boys were shocked and so was the crowd my friends were squealing and I ended up standing frozen with shock what the hell just happened.

*Authors note:*
So this is my first fanfic about Tyler uhm sorry it's pretty short I hope you liked it I will be trying to post as often as I can with the continuation of this story! Anyways by my little raindrops ❤️✨

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