The apologoy

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Time had passed since then Aaron had to go back on his tour but he's been in contact with me the whole time. Eventually my cousins had to go back to their parents my aunt and uncle refused to let them near the house if my mom and I are around but agreed to let them visit my dad. My mom and dad wanted to get a divorce but she gave him one last chance to apologize for his actions and today's the day he's supposed to.

I was sitting in a cafe table waiting anxiously for him to walk in and when he did he saw me and sat down he looked at me with a serious face until his gaze softened.

Did your uhm friend...I mean boyfriend get a mark from where I punched him?

I stared at him I can tell he's really trying but is it really enough

No...I said softly

Look son.. He said as he sighed

Don't call me son. I said a little harshly

he stared at me sadly and pushed his hair back a bit Look...Tyler...I grew up in a traditional and religious household and what you're doing just isn't normal to me it's not right...

At that point I was about to get up and leave until he kept going

But...if it's something that you believe is right then I'll support you in it anyway our family won't agree but my family matters more to me I miss you and your mom being home and I don't want this all to fall apart because I can't handle you dating a boy.

He stared at me with teary eyes

Tyler please forgive me I promise I'll try to be better I want us to be a family I want you to be happy...I will never lay a finger on you or your boy friend again.

I looked at him hurt I know he was being genuine since I've never seen my dad cry like this before parents aren't perfect but that doesn't mean I should hold a grudge

I sighed will you really support me?

He looked up at me with a small nod and a smile

I love my son more than I love my beliefs and my pride

I smiled softly as tears started streaming down

Dad... I said softly in a broken tone I got out my seat and went to hug him

He hugged me back and started to rub my hair as he did

He pulled away and stared me in my eyes

Tyler tell your mom to bring you guys home I want my family back he said with a smile

after eating some pastries and drinking some coffee I called my mom to come get us she entered the coffee shop and stared at my dad

Hey there jarred she said in a soft tone with a serious face

Sally...I'm sorry for everything...I should have never did all the things I did to you guys that night I should've listened to you and stood by your side through it all I want you guys back and I'll do whatever it takes to make up for this please sally you know I love you still love me?

my moms eyes got watery and she hugged my dad of course I do jarred! God your just so UGH she said banging her fist against his chest before just laying her head there if we go back your sister is not allowed to say a single word to me or Tyler from now on

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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