part 6 The Jealousy Trip

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*Authors note* I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while GITS I've had STARR Movk test all week so I've been busy but here's the best chapter.

Tyler's POV:

The past week has been great Aaron has been staying over this past week and I've never felt more loved his warm embrace is everything I love him so much!!

Hey pretty boy~ why up so early? It's only 8am you still got time to rest! He said with a bright smile.

Your right huh? as I was walking towards the bed I heard the door bell ring.

Oh it seems someone's at the door we can cuddle later let me see who it is ok!

You can go to the kitchen for now I'll make some breakfast for us sounds good?

Sound like a plan love! Said Aaron excitedly

We then walked down stairs I waited for him to get deep in the kitchen before opening the door I then opened it and I was caught by surprise.

Omg HEYY!!! Devon what brings you here!?

I then ran and hugged him I was so excited to see him I hadn't seen him all week so he hasn't got the chance to tell me which college he wanted to got to!

Ah well I just thought since you haven't been out of the house lately I'd bring you a little something!

Aww how sweet come in come in!

Aarons POV:
I had seen the whole thing play out I don't know why it bothered me that he was hugging him and holding him tightly it just did I don't care if he's older I don't like him one bit!

Tyler then invites him in and I can't help but want to punch this guy as he holds his hand to drag him to the living room this "dEvOn" dude has this smuggest look and I HATE IT!

Tyler's POV:

So Dev what is it that you wanna give to me!

Well actually it's a go away gift I'm heading to college next year and I want you to have something to remember me.

Your like the little brother I never had you mean the world to me so I don't want us to ever forget eachother ok?

Aww your to sweet so what is it?

Oh how foolish of me uhm well since we both like 4Town I got us these necklaces so I'll have the 4 and you'll have the town they connect together because they are magnets what you think?

OMG I LOVE IT THANK YOU!! I promise I'll treasure it forever thanks dev your like the older brother I've never had I love you!

Aww I love you to little man!!

They then hugged eachother smiling brighter than ever and Devon was helping Tyler put the necklace on.

Aarons POV:

Oh ho ho this is my last straw not only did he say he loved him after saying other stuff I couldn't hear now this dude is putting a necklace on him I'm about to go out there and throw some hands!

No ones POV:

Tyler then led Devon out hugging him one last time saying see you later and walked back inside admiring the necklace.

Who was that? Said Aaron trying to sound as calm as he could.

Huh? Oh he's just my friend Devon he's such a sweetheart maybe when we can be open about our relationship I'll introduce you to him!

Oh so does he mean a lot to you?

Oh well I mean I guess you can say that he's like my older brother!

Oh I see. Aaron was dancing with relief in his head how dumb can he be of course he can trust Tyler what was he thinking!

Well then now that he's gone I can finally steel that kiss I was wanting to do earlier~

So that why you wanted me to go back to bed huh?

Aaron the grabbed Tyler and gave him a small kiss.

Hey before breakfast I actually have a question for you?

What is it Goofball?

Well I figured since your family isn't coming back for another week and I have to leave tomorrow I was you want to come to this concert with me? I promise I'll have you back before the week ends! It's just.

I wrote this song for you and I want you to hear it in person it would really mean a lot Soo what do you say?

Tyler was astonished he didn't know what to say he thought about if for a while.

Well since you say I can be back before my family get home..I'll go!


Of course if you wrote a song for me I want to hear it!

Gosh this is why I love you so much!! You really are my one true love!!

Aww your such a sweet talker!

Well it's true~

Whatever now let's make breakfast I'm starving!!

Tyler then made some scrambled eggs with waffles and bacon soon after they ate Tyler packed his bag took his phone and was on his way out with Aaron exited for this concert.

As much as I was worried I had nothing to fear my parents will be gone for a while so it didn't really matter when I got there so I was willing to go I mean what's the worst that can happen am I right It'll be like I never even left!

But boy was he wrong.

*Authors note*
HEY GUYS gosh I'm so sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out I really was trying my best I've just been really busy with school but I do hoped you liked it I promise I'll be posting more often!! Anyways I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE RAINDROPS SEE YOU SOON BYE!!!☔️💞💃🏻✨

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