Part 3 little white lies

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/*Authors note* I am so sorry if my grammar isn't the best I struggle with writing sometimes 😭. Ok on with the chapter/

Tyler's POV:
Listen here buster you said you'll be back by 9:30 AND YOU CAME HOME AT 11:30 do you have any idea how worried I was!?

I knew mom would be pissed but I've never seen her get this worked up before what do I say do I tell her the truth? I shouldn't she would never understand..

I turned to her not wanting to make any wrong move I thought of a lie and I figured it would work out let's give it go.

I'm so so sorry mother I know I said 9:30 it's just that..Abby twisted her ankle at the park and the nearest Conner store was like a mile or more away and we all helped carry her over there.

I bought the the wrapping for her ankle with the change you lent me and we carried her back after wrapping her foot we called her dad and we waited for him to get off work to pick her up.

I then walked Priya,Miriam,and Mei home to make sure they got there safely and then I tried my best to rune here I'm sorry mom I should've called you!

She stayed quiet but then she smiled and I knew the lie had worked.

Oh honey I'm so sorry all that happened next time just call me don't keep me worried the whole time! She then got up and hugged me.

I'm just glad you back home safe go up to your room it's late and I don't want you sleeping in to late tomorrow.

I then let go of her hug and ran up the stairs I felt bad I lied but the truth would've hurt her more than this little white lie.

I shut the door of my room and then I felt a light buzzing in my pocket I then realized it was my phone so I grabbed it and there it was an notification from my new "friend".

I felt my heart rushing with great speed I then changed into pjs and then opened my Nokia phone and read the message.

AZ💞: hey there cutie ☺️

Tyler❤️: what's with the username you put for yourself 😂

AZ💞: it not that different from yours pretty boy 🙄

Tyler❤️: stop with the names your making me blush!

AZ💞: Hey that what I like to hear😏

Tyler❤️: oh shut up your such simp

AZ💞: only for you

Tyler❤️: we'll I need to get to bed before my mom get mad goodnight!💞

AZ💞: oh well goodnight! Sleep well💞

Tyler then shut off his phone and smiled as bright as ever he went to his bed and hugged the pillow next to him.

Oh gosh I'm in love and I don't ever want to be out of it! He then squealed and rolled in his bed but hit the wall after a small laugh he soon was off to sleep.

The next morning

Tyler woke up with a smile after sending his new "friend" a good morning and receiving one back he went and took a quick shower.

Tyler was soon running down stairs and gave his mom and dad a kiss and a hug while saying good morning.

Woah there buddy your in a good mood today? What got you worked up? Said his dad with a cup of coffee in his hand.

Oh uhm I'm just excited to hang with my girls today that all!

His dad then gave a slight chuckle and continued to read his newspaper.

Oh and remember honey if anything happens this time contact me and tell me alright?

Alright mom thanks for the breakfast by the way it's sooo yummy.

His mom then smiled and gave him another hug.

Anything for my baby boy!

Tyler then got up and exited the house he was now on his way to Mei Meis temple him and his girls had karaoke planned and he couldn't wait to sing with them.

He got there with a smile plastered on his face his girls hugged him and Mei Mei gave her mom a goodbye hug and they were on their way.

Soo Tyler~ you have to tell us was that kiss as great as we thought it was~ said Abby with a smirk

He wanted to tell them how it really was but then remembered they were talking about the peck at the concert not the longer one in his stage room.

Oh well how would I know it was just a peck on the lips nothing more!

The girls gave him a questionable look and then stared at each other and looked back at him.

Is there something your not telling us you seem anxious we know you get anxious when you lie. Said Miriam with a concerned look

What!? Me lie to you guys! Neverrr

The girls then got a bit angry and this time they all asked together

What are you hiding!

Gosh I did it now what's up with me and getting the woman in my life mad!

Uhm it's nothing I swear!! It's just that my mom got mad at me because I got home a few minutes late that all!

Gosh here I go again telling the girls I love a little whit lie well might as well I can't go back now I promise I'll tell them sooner or later just not now.

Oh Tyler that's all you had to say no need to act so weird said Priya

Ya man you had us worried there! Said Miriam

Well enough of this let's go sing our hearts out!! Said Abby and Mei

Sigh what am I gonna do with all this lying how much longer can I keep it going!

I look at my phone and I saw his message

AZ💞: I have a concert to do but before anything I wanna say I love you!!

Tyler❤️: I love you to☺️

There's no way I'm telling them about this not yet I want to have it to myself for now he just said "love" something I wasn't expecting to get yet.

Sigh love is a wonderful thing! Tyler said out loud

Miriam and the girls laugh

Whatever ya say ya dork

And Tyler just blushed and hid his head

Might as well enjoy my time with them and I right?

*author's note*
Hey my little raindrops!!☔️ I promise that this story will keep on going I am sorry I'm taking so long to make these chapters I am trying to make you guys satisfied I love you all thanks for the support!!❤️

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