EIGHT. the mirror of erised

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( philosopher's stone )

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( philosopher's stone )

      RON WAS FURIOUS WITH HARRY. As Apollo loaded his plate with bacon at breakfast the next morning, Harry and Ron sat beside him, the redhead glaring at Harry with his arms crossed. "You could've woken us up." he then glanced at Apollo, who seemed happily in his own world. "Or at least woken me up."

      Apollo glared at him.

      Ron didn't tell anyone of the note Remus left ━━ not even Harry. Apollo was thankful for it and he planned to tell Harry soon. However, Apollo had been shocked to learn that Harry had used his new invisibility cloak to sneak around the castle the night before, and had made a strange discovery of his own.

      If he was being honest, the knowledge that Harry had found a secret mirror that showed him his dead parents probably didn't alarm Apollo as much as it should have. But he couldn't help it. Harry had mentioned seeing his parents and immediately Apollo's mind had gone to the possibility of using this secret mirror to see his own parents in real time.

      Sure, he had Remus, but if there was a chance he could meet Aphelia properly ( or as properly as you can meet someone through a mirror ), then there was no way he wasn't going to take it.

      Besides, even if Apollo didn't see his mother, he'd at least get to meet Harry's parents.

      "You two can come tonight," Harry was saying, a distant look in his eyes as if he was already back in the room with the mirror. Normally, his friend's aloofness would have alarmed Apollo, but he was too excited to care. "I'm going back, I want to show you the mirror."

      "I'd like to see your mum and dad," Ron said eagerly.

      Apollo nodded along with him and met Harry's eyes, giving him a small smile. "Me too."

      "And I want to see all your families as well, all the Weasleys and the Lupins. Ron, you can show me your other brothers and Apollo can show me his parents," Harry said excitedly.

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