Next Episode: Overworked

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"Hey, what's up? How's it goin'? Emil h-- Whoops, nearly dropped something! Emil here. Glad to see ya'! I was just helping my bro out with a couple things... more like a lotta things. I meeean, my bro's really busy right now with... stuff. He never really told me what. Weird. Anyway, we haven't exaaaactly doled out jobs yet, but I don't wanna stress everybody out in the first couple weeks. So I've been doing a little bit of everything. Cooking, cleaning, restocking stuff... What was I doing just now? It'll come back to me.

Not gonna lie, I'm feelin' a little outta my league here, but it's all cool. It's about time I start pulling my own weight. I just wish I was more, y'know-- Shoot! That's what I forgot!

Uhhh, sorry buddy! Nice chatting with ya, but I reeeally gotta dip out for a sec.

Shoot shoot shoot, I hope I'm not too late...!"

(GQ #3) Life in OrbitWhere stories live. Discover now