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"What are you drawing?", he asked as he drove down the two lane road. "Don't worry about it", I glanced at him, a smirk on my lips. "It's me isn't it?", he grinned, "You'll never know", I winked at him.

I focused on my work, his hands on my mind, his body. He was art, everything about him, every part. He was dark, messed up, broken. But at the same time, he was serenity, eternal bliss. He was the devil. And a beautiful one.

"Pull over up there", I said, "Why?", he asked, "Cause I said so, fucking pull over", I snapped.

He pulled over at the lookout point. I made my way to the edge of the canyon. Tall green trees filled the valley, a large river at the bottom. It was a sight.

"This? This is what I pulled over for?", he stood beside me. "Shh, you hear that?", I closed my eyes, "Hear w-", I covered his mouth with my hand, "Silence". I opened my eyes, I felt the cool breeze brush through my blonde hair.

I sat at the ledge, "I wouldn't mind getting a house here, the middle of nowhere, no one around", I said, focusing on the view.

"You'd go crazy, all alone out here", he added, "Never said I'd be alone", I side eyed him. "We could get a dog, or maybe a cat", I smiled as I dreamed of a normal future with him and I. A future with no pain, no worries, no lies.

Just him and I no one else around.

"Definitely a cat", he said, "A black one- and we'd name him Toulouse", I said with a small laugh.

"Toulouse?", he looked at me, "Yeah- I remember watching this movie with my mom and sister when I was a kid- my sister and I made her put it on almost every night when our dad was away", I paused, "I think it was called the Aristocats- yeah- and one of the cats was named Toulouse". 

A smile grew on my face, "He was the trouble maker- my mom always said that was me- the one always causing shit".

"And she said my sister was Berloiz, the one who never did any wrong", my smile faded and my eyes grew sad. "You miss them?", he asked, "So much".

There was a comfortable silence between us.

"There's no love like a mother's love", he said, his voice tinted with sadness, "Someone you can always run to, and rely on", he continued, "Nothing can ever compare to that kind of love". I watched him as he spoke, his eyes were low, filled with pain, loss.

I rested my head on his shoulder, his arm made its way around me. "But it all dies eventually...love", he whispered. "But...what's a bigger feeling than love?", I asked, "Loss".

He was opening up to me. In this moment I saw his true colors. I saw someone that lost everything. I saw someone that was hurt, someone who had their happiness stolen from them. I could hear the pain in his voice, I knew he was being honest.

"In the end...none of it matters", he paused, "We all die one day and leave nothing behind". "It's inevitable", he sighed, I nuzzled my head further into his shoulder. "So you might as well go out with chaos".

"It's better to burn out than fade away", I said, his hand held my head. He kissed the top of my head, "We should get on the road". I took his hand as we made our way to his car.

All I knew right now was that I cared about him. I cared about him more than I knew that was possible. I wouldn't say that word, the L word.

But I did know that I wanted to protect him, keep him safe. It didn't matter what he was planning, that didn't change how I felt right now. What mattered was him, he was the only thing that mattered.

I don't know what it was. I just knew it was deeper than infatuation, lust. It was a deep feeling I had never felt before.

Something that clouded my judgement, made me think irrationally. But I didn't care. All I needed was him. Him and I.

 Too Late To Say Goodbye (Dabi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now