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I woke up in a dark room, chained to a stone chair. "Hello!?", I yelled, hoping to get a response. "HELLO!!? WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?!!!", I started to get angry. "AHHH!!", I struggled to free myself, I noticed my injured leg had been wrapped.

"Rain Toshinori", a woman's voice said, it was raspy. "Who the fuck are you!! Where am I?! Where's Dabi and Shoto?!!", my eyes roamed the dark room, but I couldn't see where she was.

"They're safe, don't worry", "Are you ...Ren?", I looked ahead of me.

"Nice to finally meet you...the eldest Toshinori", she said with a giggle. "Who are you- and what do you want?", my head fell.

"I wanted to have a chat with you Rain", her voice echoed throughout the whole building.

"Well, not the way to go about it, could've just called me like a normal person", I said, she laughed, "Funny...you were always the funny one".

I knitted my brows, "What's that supposed to mean?", she exhaled, "Oh nothing".

"Well I'm not talking unless you show me Dabi and Shoto are safe", I looked ahead of me, my eyes low and tired. Out of nowhere, a video recording popped up on the wall in front of me.

It was Shoto and Dabi. They were in a room, Shoto seemed to be cleaning Dabi's wounds.

I shut my eyes and sighed in relief, a smile growing on my face.

"What is it you want?", I said in a tired tone. "Be patient Rain, the time will come for us to have a chat, for now, just get that leg of yours healed up", her voice faded.

I shut my eyes and threw my head back. The only thing on my mind was him. He was safe, he was alive. And that was enough for me, he did it. He saved himself, and his brother in the process. Nothing made me happier.

I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner but...I love you Touya Todoroki...

Sure, I wish I was there with him, both of them. But I wasn't, and there wasn't anything I could do about it now. I was chained up to a chair, in god knows where. With god knows who.

For the first time in my life, I was two steps behind. Someone had been following me, and I acted recklessly, like I always do. This was all my fault, part of me knew I deserved this.

I looked at the bandage on my leg, blood slowly started to soak it. "Uh oh", I said as I felt myself getting light headed.

My vision started to blur, I was unable to keep my eyes open for a second longer.

I felt weightless, cloud surrounded me. My wound on my leg had vanished. Nothing but blue and white around me, I felt...safe here.

It was a type of warmth I hadn't felt before. I threw my head back and let the sun shine on my skin. I noticed all the scars on my body had vanished.

"Hey honey", a familiar voice said, not just any voice, it was my mothers. I whipped my head to the sound.

My face lit up, my eyes glowing, a wide smile on my face. "Mom!!", I rushed to her.

I felt her warmth as she hugged me, "I missed you so much", I whispered. She pulled back and held my face, "I missed you too my dear", a sad smile growing on her face.

"Am I dying?", I asked her, "On the verge of death, the threshold if you will", she let out a small laugh.

God I had missed that sound. The sound of my mother's laugh. I couldn't remember the last time I had heard it. And it was music to my ears.

"Well shit, that sucks", I let out a nervous laugh. "But you can't give up just yet Rain", she lifted my chin to meet her gaze. "I'm just so tired mom", I said, tears welling in my eyes. "I know honey, but it's not your time just yet", she smiled.

 Too Late To Say Goodbye (Dabi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now