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I woke up to the sound of rain pouring outside. I looked to Dabi fast asleep beside me, his messy black hair hung over his face, hiding his eyes. He looked so...peaceful.

Banging on the door caused me to wake up instantly. My eyes went wide, I nudged Dabi to wake him up. I held my finger over my lips to silence him. The banging continued. We both left the bed slowly, I grabbed a gun and positioned myself beside the door.

Dabi stood on the other side, he nodded, "Who is it!?", I yelled, the banging stopped for a moment.

In the blink of an eye, the door fell to the ground and three men rushed in. Dabi and I fired our guns at them, aiming to kill.

One of the men fell to the ground, one rushed to me, the other to Dabi. "Fuck", I noticed my clip was empty. "Fuck it", I said before I positioned myself to fight the large man in front of me.

"They won't kill us", I said, noticing they hadn't fired their guns at us yet.

I grabbed his arm and slammed it against the wall, causing his gun to fall.

He kicked my leg, I lost my balance and stumbled back. Dabi's eyes shot open, "Get-the other...one", I said as he choked me, he focused on the other man.

In one swift motion I flipped him over.

My hands holding his wrists down. "Who the hell are you? Did Toshinori send you?", he struggled to escape. He stayed quiet. "Not talking are we, fine have it your way", I smiled manically.

He kicked me off him, I quickly stood up. I cracked my neck. The bathroom door broke, the other man falling to the floor, Dabi stared down at him.

He threw his fist into my face while I was distracted. I threw my foot into the side of his head, he stubbled back a few steps.

I saw Dabi in the corner of my eye, fighting the man, his hands around the man's neck. He tried to hit me again, but I stopped his hand.

I crushed his fist with mine, he groaned in pain. His other hand grabbed my arm to free his hand. He kicked me back. I felt Dabi's back against mine.

"I have an idea", he said as I fought the man, him fighting the other. "What is it?", I asked as I dodged a right hook. "You trust me?", he asked, "Yes", I said with no hesitation.

In one swift motion, he grabbed my waist. "I'm going to throw you, knock them out", I nodded. He lifted me with one arm and swung me around. It happened in slow motion.

I kicked the man's head with full force knocking him out instantly. When I faced the other Dabi let me go, I landed on the man's shoulder's.

My legs squeezing his neck, cutting off his circulation. I grabbed the sides of his neck and snapped it, causing him to fall to the floor.

I stood up, my breathing heavy. "We're a good team", he smiled as he caught his breath, "We are", I smiled back. "You want to kill him, or you want me to?", I asked, stretching my body.

"I got this one", he said before he grabbed one of their guns and shot two bullets onto the unconscious man's body.

"We should get out of here, now", I said sternly as I changed. "Yeah", he grabbed our things and brought them to the car.

"I wonder who sent them", I said as he drove in the rain. "Could be a number of people, or whoever the hell Hawks was working for", he sighed. "Who the hell was he working for?", I asked myself aloud. "God knows", he rubbed his face.

"If I ever see that motherfucker again I'll slit his fucking throat", I balled my fists, my jaw clenched from the anger. "Get in line", he grinned.

After a few hours of driving, "I think we're in Arizona", his eyes roamed the view. "Looks like it", I sighed, "Only 4 more hours and we're in LA", I threw my head back. "Told you I was fast", he winked.

 Too Late To Say Goodbye (Dabi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now