Chapter Ten: Fancy Party Stuff

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Moon didn't dare tell anyone about the "incident" that happened the day before in Mr. Bunchuai's office. He wanted to act like it wasn't a big deal, but he couldn't stop thinking about it.

After their second day at work had just ended, Dao was in the boys' office, talking about a new rom-com that would be in theatres soon.

"I just want a man to sweep me off my feet and treat my like a queen, is that too much to ask for?"

"Not at all, I completely agree." Kas' eyes smiled as he rested his chin in his hands.

"Kas! Do you have a love interest right now?" Dao wanted the juicy scoop right away.

"What? I just want that too." He snapped out of it, but his blushed cheeks told a different story. Moon suspected Kas definitely had a crush at least. Truth was that he couldn't stop thinking of Chatri and their steamy night together.

"Moon what about you?"

The black haired boy looked up in confusion. "What?"

"Do you like someone right now? You can tell us!" Dao's persuasive voice made him laugh.

"Me?" He stopped to think. The only thought that came to mind was when Mr. Bunchuai pulled him close. He shook the image out of his head, remembering that he was his boss. His cheeks betrayed him, turning red hot. "No one comes to mind."

"What do you want in a woman?" There was the question he was waiting for. The one where everyone assumed he was straight.

"Mmmm. Probably comfort-in a man or woman."

Dao's face grew excited and happy. "Really? You both are...? Eeeeeee I'm so happy! You tell me what you want and I will do my best to find the perfect men...or woman."

"You seem so sure of yourself." They all turned to the door, finding Yuth and Chatri walking in.

"Oi Yuth, I'm the perfect matchmaker. You underestimate me."

"You've worked for me how many years and where's my match?" Mr. Bunchuai and Dao seemed to quarrel often, judging by the man's amused expression.

"You never asked!"

Their boss laughed it off. "Okay, okay. I came to ask if anyone wanted to go to the fundraising gala tomorrow."

Dao stood up quickly and clapped her hands. "Oooo me!"

"Um, I'd love to, but I don't have anything fancy enough for that." Kas' statement made Moon realize he didn't have anything to wear for that either.

"I'll take care of that." Yuth diverted his eyes to Moon and the boy's heart began to race. His boss was very good with eye contact. Too good. "Can I take care of you, too?"

Moon nodded slowly. "Yes, please." He was not as good with looking people in the eyes for very long. His boss made him extremely nervous, but he couldn't turn away.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kas and Moon had never been pampered before. Yuth had them taken to a fancy dress shop the next afternoon and they were fitted in the perfect suits. Coming from working class backgrounds, they didn't have the need to dress up so nice, nor did they want to.

Kas waited outside of the dressing rooms for Moon, but Chatri guided him to their vehicle. "We can wait for them in the suburban."

Kas smiled lightly at the bodyguard. "Okay..."

Moon stepped out from behind a thick curtain to find his boss. "M...Mr. Bunchuai..." All he could do was blink at the man.

The man stepped forward, again removing all the space between them, leaving no room for escaping. He fixed the top button on Moon's suit. "You can just call me Yuth." He patted Moon's chest as he smirked, letting his hand linger for just a moment. He turned around leaving the boy breathless. Moon would stick with 'Mr. Yuth.'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dao had Kas and Moon on each arm while they followed behind Yuth and Chatri. They didn't realize how famous Yuthakon was in this world until they saw all of the cameras taking pictures of him, then of his staff as they walked the carpet to the entrance.

"Smile for the pictures." The boys followed Dao's guidance and smiled. "You'll be well known now as employees of Yuth."

Moon's smile dropped. Well known? How well known? Perhaps only people who read about businesses would know, not a certain someone he was worried about.

Once inside, the flashes stopped, giving their eyes a break. The boys had never seen such an elegant place before. It wasn't a big building, but it was modern and the décor was fancy. "Champagne?" A waiter offered them glasses on a tray and each of them took one while still trying to follow Yuth.

Moon took a sip, wincing with distaste. "Maybe I shouldn't drink this."

"Good idea. We don't want to have to carry you out of here." Kas took Moon's glass and left it on a random food table. Moon was a lightweight when it came to alcohol. This wasn't the appropriate place for him to get blackout drunk.

They followed Yuth and Chatri through a crowd of people, greeting everyone that they met. Once at the end of the room, they were able to disperse. Everyone went to get more drinks or finger food, except for Moon and his boss.

He followed behind his boss a few steps, like a lost puppy. He didn't know where any non-alcoholic beverages were, and he wouldn't eat without having something to wash it down. Yuth kept his glass in hand as he smiled at people, giving a simple nod to acknowledge them.

He stopped suddenly, and Moon did the same, coming closer to him to not look so awkward. Mr. Yuth spoke to the older couple, but the boy didn't pay attention until he introduced Moon. "He's one of my new employees, Moon."

Moon placed his hands together, greeting them with the wai. "What a lovely name." The woman beamed with joy.

"Thank you."

"Do you know where your godfather is?" Her husband's voice was opposite of his wife's, low and rough. "I need to discuss some things with him."

"He should be coming soon. He's always fashionably late," Yuth joked, cracking a smile on the older man's face. Moon stared at Mr. Yuth the whole time. The boss spoke to people with such charm. It must've come naturally.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Our son is starting at our family business and begged me to introduce you two. Let me see." The man reached his neck out, trying to spot his son in the crowd of people. "Ah, there he is!" He waved his hand in the air.

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