Chapter Fifteen: Back Again

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Yuth had just finished up his meeting with Panit and Kiet. Panit expressed his gratitude and left the office, leaving Yuth and his cousin to their own time.

"You know what to do?" Yuth asked Kiet.

"I have all the information I need. They can all stay at the boarding houses until the case is over, for safety. They'll be hounded for sure, but we have the restraining orders in effect." All of Sakda's victims chose their protection over being in their own homes.

Yuth nodded. His cousin was a well-respected lawyer, one of the best in Bangkok. He was also a very close person to Yuth and helped him with all of his extra activities outside of work. His husband, Kusa, also helped at home with Rune.

Just then, Kiet received a call. "Mmhmm. Okay. I think they'll all be okay, but find out where he is." He hung up and Yuth gave a questioning look. "Sakda isn't at home and they don't know where he went."

Yuth's eyebrow shot up. There were 20 people to worry about, but one wasn't among them. Moon. He picked up his phone and pressed the speed dial number for Moon's office phone.

"Hello, this is Kasem."

"Kas, where's Moon?"

"He went home at 5."

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Moon stopped by the grocery store on the way home, carrying two bags down the street to his apartment building. He was casually thinking about work. Mr. Yuth was very occupied that week, but Moon was hopeful to talk to him the following week. He would have a great weekend in the meantime.

However, all of his thoughts were harshly interrupted. "Moon!" A voice he knew too well. A voice that caused him to freeze. Sakda was already on his way to the boy, coming from a car parked right at the entrance. "Moon." He gave the boy a huge hug, squeezing tightly.

His scent was still the same. Everything was still the same. Moon dropped his bags unconsciously, frozen in time. To his demise, he felt a trickle of liquid on his leg.

"I missed you so much." Sakda hadn't even noticed that Moon was in a state of fear. He let go of Moon, but kept his hands on him. "Can we catch up?"

The boy couldn't speak. He wanted to run away, but his legs were paralyzed.

"Moon..." He touched his face. Moon could only follow Sakda's hands with his eyes. He wanted to yell, but nothing came out. "You don't believe what they're saying about me, right? You still love me, right?" He stepped back and grabbed Moon's hand. "Come on, let's go up and talk." But the boy didn't move.

Sakda turned to look back at him. "I can't..."


"He said he can't." Moon didn't have to look to know who just walked up to them. Mr. Yuth grabbed Moon's wrist, tossing Sakda's hand to the side. He pulled Moon to face him, then grabbed his bags off the ground.

"Mr. Bunchuai?"

"Yes that's me." He didn't look at Sakda, just turned to Moon and scanned him, noticing the situation in his pants from the front. "Excuse us, we have to get going."

"Wait-" Before he could finish his sentence Yuth had pulled Moon away.

Yuth put the bags in the car before opening the passenger door for Moon. Before the boy could sit, Yuth picked his face up to look at him. "Are you okay?"

Moon's eyes were heavy. Being asked if you're okay seemed to make him want to let it all out. A single tear rolled down his cheek for Yuth to wipe away. Just his soft touch soothed Moon.

"Come on, it's not safe here." Moon did as he was told and sat in the passenger seat. He was embarrassed about wetting his pants in front his crush/boss, but there was nothing he could do.

On the way to Yuth's house he kept his eyes out the window, but it didn't stop Yuth from worrying. The oldest reached over and put his hand on Moon's forearm, reassuring him that it was okay.

The boy looked at the man's hand, then up at Mr. Yuth, who was focused on the road ahead. He was still reeling in his emotions from seeing Sakda again. Yuth's touch calmed him, though.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yuth had set out a fresh set of clothes in the guest bedroom. Moon had kept his head down since they arrived and he was worried about the boy. "Change and come eat dinner with us." Moon nodded.

Yuth joined everyone in the dining room while Kusa brought out the plates. "Thanks for making dinner." He licked his lips at the Pad Moo Nammun Hoy. Rune's favorite dish that he must've bribed Kusa to make.

"No problem. I get to eat it, too."

Kusa set down a plate in front of Rune and went back for the rest. "Where's Moon? Is he going to eat with us?"

Yuth patted the child's head as he went to his seat at the end of the table. "Yes, he's coming."

"Do you like Moon?" Kusa asked Rune as he gave Kiet some glasses of water.

"Uncle Yuth likes him, so I like him, too."

Kiet laughed, almost spitting some water out. "Rune!" Yuth gave his nephew a face. He smiled, though, because it was partly true.

"Oh he does?" Kusa pushed Rune to give more details.

"They go on dates, and he stayed the night one time. He's nice, I want him to stay forever."

"Rune, please don't talk about these things when Moon is at the table." Yuth pleaded, but could only do so much. Kiet and Kusa laughed to themselves, knowing Rune had his way of finding loopholes.

As Kusa set the last glass down on the table, Moon walked in. "Uncle Moon!" Rune ran to him and gave him a huge hug. Yuth pursed his lips, knowing Rune wasn't going to heed his words.

Moon hugged him back and laughed it off nervously as everyone looked at him. He greeted everyone as Rune pulled him to sit at the corner, next to Yuth. "Moon, this is my cousin Kiet, and his husband Kusa."

"Cousin?" He was shocked for a second, then smiled after he realized he was jealous for no reason. "And husband?" The fact that the family was so open minded was comforting. "It's very nice to meet you both."

"Same. We've heard a lot about you." Kusa smiled at Yuth. "From Rune." He covered Yuth's ass.

"Moon, can you play a game with me after dinner?"

Moon nodded fast. "I love games, I'll play with you."

"Is your homework done?" Rune sunk back into his chair after his uncle's words, pouting. "Eat, then homework, then you can play." Yuth uncle took the fun out of everything.

"Fine." Rune took a huge bite of food, filling his cheeks.

They chuckled then began to eat. Moon's nervousness faded quickly as they all shared a meal and talked about themselves. Kiet and Kusa were college sweethearts and had been married for three years. Kiet was a famous lawyer and Kusa owned a popular café.

"What about you, Moon?" Everyone had already known all about him from Yuth, except for Rune. Yuth looked at Moon, feeling sorry that Rune had to ask.

"I'm from Lampang. My mom owned a food stall and I helped her everyday." He smiled brightly when talking about his mother. She was his hero, inspiration, and hope growing up.

"Where's your mom now? Do you see her often?" The question that Yuth dreaded would come from his nephew's mouth.

"She's in Heaven now." Moon didn't skip a beat. "If anyone deserved to go to Heaven it was her."

"My mom must be there, too." Rune smiled back at Moon, loving having something in common with him.

Kiet looked at Yuth with a slight smile, acknowledging that he liked his cousin's friend. Kusa was getting teary-eyed just watching Rune communicate about his mother to anyone, as she and Kusa were best friends. He grabbed Kiet's hand and squeezed lightly.

They all had been apart of Rune's life since he was a baby, but even more so after his mom's passing. They felt like he was their own son, too.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As promised, after homework, Rune could play. "You want to play Monopoly?" Yuth looked at Rune with a shocked face. "What 9 year old wants to play that?"

"Are you afraid of losing?"

With a hand on his chest, Yuth scoffed. "Me? Lose?"

It was a good thing that Kiet and Kusa had left already, or they would have to deal with the long game that followed. As expected, Yuth and Rune were both extremely competitive. Moon didn't stand a chance. He was out of the game not even halfway through, but he continued to watch them battle it out.

"You have to declare bankruptcy! I win!"

"Do you even know what bankruptcy is?!"

"I win, you lose, pay up!"

Yuth reluctantly reached into his wallet, paying Rune 500 baht. "Go to sleep, it's already late." He stood up and packed away the board game before realizing that Moon had fallen asleep on the small couch in the living room.

He stayed staring at the boy, then squatted down to his level and took in all of the beauty. He had seen him sleep before, and it brought back so many old feelings. Feelings from when they met and he had not one worry in the whole world. Feelings from when Moon was unconscious and his heart broke. He was proud in a sense that he could help Moon come full circle.

"Moon." He whispered, careful not to startle him. The boy's eyes fluttered open and Yuth's heart skipped a beat. "Let's get you to your room."

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