Chapter Twenty-Seven: Savior

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No punch came. He heard a thump and Don's hand was gone from his face. When Yuth opened his eyes he found Moon. The boy was holding one of Don's golf clubs up and panting hard. Don was on the ground, groaning and arching his back from the pain where Moon had hit him.

"Stop means stop!" Yuth managed to sit up, still cuffed, and watched Moon proceed to hit the man's body over and over with the club.

"Ahhh!!" Don couldn't handle all of the hits.

Moon tossed the club aside, and got down to Don's level, grabbing him by the shirt with both hands, looking him in the eyes. "Do you regret touching him?" Don nodded, unsure of what was going on, but wanting to save himself from more pain.

Moon hissed through his teeth and began punching Don, losing himself in the attack. He finally knew what Yuth felt. He finally got to feel the rage.

"Moon?" Yuth could barely see what was going on past the edge of the tall bed. He knew what was happening because of the sounds.

Don was quiet, but still alive.

****Scene Over****

Moon sat up on his knees with tears in his eyes. "You know, I wasn't prepared for this." He went over to the clothes on the ground and dug in Don's pants pockets for the key to the handcuffs, but couldn't find anything. "You could've at least warned me! It was...really hard to watch this all." He didn't look at Yuth, only got on his hands and knees to look for the key.


"No, let me finish!" Moon patted his hand around under the bed and landed on the keys, which he pulled out. He stood up, still panting lightly from all of the adrenaline. "I don't even know what we are, but I don't care anymore. The way I feel won't change. I can't watch you do this again."


The boy walked over to Yuth and opened one of the cuffs, then took his time walking over to the other side, and picked up Yuth's clothes while he was at it. "You were so close to..."

Moon couldn't find the words to finish the sentence. "I don't know what you're thinking, and that scares me. Its okay...if you don't want to be with me." He opened the other cuff, freeing Yuth completely, then tossed the clothes at him.

Moon couldn't look at Yuth's face, just looked around Yuth at random spots on the walls. He was still shaking from all of the events as Yuth got dressed. "I just don't want to lose you, or see you get hurt anymore."

Yuth sat on the edge of the bed in front of the boy, dressed and massaging his wrists. "Is that how you really feel?"

Moon nodded.

Yuth stood up and wiped the tears from the boy's eyes. "I'm sorry for worrying you." He placed his hands on the back of Moon's neck, and rested his forehead on the boy's. "Thank you for saving me."

Moon couldn't stop the tears from flowing. He was going through too many emotions at once and he couldn't control it. Yuth pulled the boy in and hugged him tightly and Moon hit the man lightly on the arm. "Don't scare me again."

"I won't." Yuth pulled back and locked his lips on Moon's, giving him a simple yet touching kiss. The boy didn't expect it.

Maybe it's just gratitude. He thought.

Moon pulled away from the kiss to see Yuth smiling. "What's so funny?"

"It's just..." He laughed. "I thought I was your boyfriend. Was there some sort of misunderstanding?"

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Chatri was still on the run, but things had slowed down. The men were walking around looking for him, but he ran into the alley behind the hotel. He had lost his earpiece and was trying to get back to the van.

Before he could make it to the street, he was pulled into a small corridor. Kas was holding his hand and guiding him through another door in the hotel. It was dark, so Kas found a switch, flipping it to reveal the janitor's closet. It was quite big and spacious.

"How'd you find me?" Chatri was out of breath from running everywhere.

"I got Dao to hack into the security system." Kas wasn't out of breath, and smiled at the older boy. "You're welcome."

"I'm sorry." Chatri couldn't look him in the eyes.

"For what?"

"Not getting back with you after that night."

As much as Kas enjoyed Chatri's apology, it was also embarrassing for him. He didn't want to talk about being ghosted by the guy who turned him into a one night stand. "It's fine. Really."

"I didn't mean to stop talking to you. A lot of things happened at once."

"Like what?" Kas became intrigued.

"Like the fire in Lampang. Yuth was a wreck. Between what happened with Moon and then his sister and Pink. That's when we decided to make the group."

"Wait..." Something wasn't adding up to Kas. He knew Yuth was in Lampang when Moon was in the hospital, but he never knew exactly why. He always assumed it was only because Yuth was close with Pink. "Yuth knew Moon before?" Moon had never spoken to his friend about Yuth.

"Well...the same night that you and I met was the same night they met."

Kas jerked back. "What?" Moon never told him about that night! How could his best friend keep a secret like that? "So they...? And then...?" Chatri nodded and Kas gasped, realizing that Moon had forgotten all about Yuth.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Moon and Yuth walked up to the van, with the younger behind the older, holding hands. Their earpieces were long gone, and they were just glad their team was still there. They forgot that they weren't openly a couple until they saw the faces of the others.

Dao was smiling largely, having heard everything that they said to each other. Kas was smiling while hiding a secret, and Chatri was just plain happy that his friend was happy.

Yuth tossed the small camera at Dao, who caught it and plugged it into her computer. "There's our evidence. Blur my face and cut out the unnecessary parts."

"You got it." She smiled and got to work right away. "It'll be all over the news tomorrow morning."

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