Chapter Twenty-Two: The Players

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On Monday morning, Moon gave Rune his lunchbox before sending him off from the car. "I put a surprise in there for you, but you have to eat your food first."

"Okay, I will, I promise." Rune was loving having Moon at home with them, and so was Yuth. He made their little family a bit brighter and happier.

Once the child was gone, Yuth drove them to work, turning up the radio to get rid of the silence.

Moon had other plans. Yuth hadn't spoken to him about the game since Friday night. "So when do I start? Do I go with you tonight? Scope out the streets?"

"I do that on my own time. Not everyone else's." Yuth kept his eyes forward, expecting this from Moon. He was too curious and excited.

"So what do I do?"

Yuth smiled and patted Moon's hand. "Smile and look pretty." The boy blushed, even though his boss was being sarcastic and not telling him anything.

"I'm serious. I need to be filled in."

"Soon enough."

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"You're all...a part of this?" Moon looked at his coworkers in shock. Kiet, Kusa, Chatri, Dao, and even Kas were all a part of it! He looked back at Yuth. "I'm the last one in the office to know?"

Yuth nodded. "Now that you're familiar with our team, we have a new assignment. Dao?"

Everyone stood around Yuth's desk as Dao flipped a whiteboard over revealing pictures of people and a bunch of lines connecting them. "We're going back to college!" Moon's stomach dropped, then looked at Yuth's smirk. Moon loved college...until Sakda, then his mother. His worst memories stemmed from his last year.

"Um..." Moon raised his hand. "College?"

"Yes!" Dao pointed to the picture at the top of the board. "This is Jay. He's been picked on by a student by the name of Red." She pointed to the picture to the right of Jay's. "Red has numerous charges that have been dropped because his parents are close with the police chief. Jay tried to push forward with his own, but something happened to him. We need to get a hold of Red and find Jay."

"Who wants to go back to school?" Kiet held up two backpacks.

Moon quickly raised his hand. "I'll do it!"

Yuth looked at the boy in disbelief. He just joined them and was ready to go into the field? "You'd stick out like a sore thumb, just wait this one out."

"I think he'd do great! Him and Kas were both most recently in school. They'd probably have no trouble getting in there." Dao winked at Moon, trying to help him out.

"Kas is in the van with me." Everyone looked at Chatri, including Kas. That came out of nowhere, and Kas was annoyed. Chatri hadn't spoken to him since he joined, unless it was about their work or the game.

"Anyway. Moon, you should go. You, too, Yuth. Show Moon the ropes." Dao was practically setting them up. Moon wondered if she knew Yuth was the one he had a crush on.

"I second that." As much as Kas wanted to go, he had also picked up on Moon's crush from the moment he and Yuth walked in.

"Okay. Let's go." Moon followed Yuth, who was already grabbing a backpack and heading out the door.

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Yuth and Moon had to change into something more appropriate and they headed to the college that same morning. Yuth changed his hairstyle specifically for these jobs. He put it up in a small pony tail and people either didn't recognize him or never knew who he was in the first place. Thankfully, his godfather was the face of the company, not him.

Moon sat in the front of the van with Kas and Yuth, who looked miserable to be at school. Dao and Chatri were in the back with all of the high-tech computers, doing whatever it was they had to do.

"We're here. You have your supplies?" Kas parked the van and looked over at their backpacks and made sure their earpieces were in correctly.

"Yes, Mother." Moon teased.

"Here's your schedules! I also added where Red will be sitting in each of them." Dao handed them folders from the back. Yuth's name was Kon, and Moon was Max. "Remember to get ahold of his phone. We've been tracking him for days and there's no sign of Jay." Yuth and Moon nodded, then started getting out.

Yuth hopped out of the van, but before Moon followed, he turned to them. "Wait, who's at the office?"

"I can do everything from in here." Dao showed off her computers and headsets.

"Okay, go before you're late for class. You kids have fun!" Kas jokingly pushed Moon out after Yuth. "Behave yourselves!" They watched as the van rolled away. It would be parked somewhere on campus in case they needed anything.

Moon turned around to find Yuth already walking off. "Wait!" He tried to catch up to his boss. "Hiaaaaaa," Moon teased his boss.

Yuth stopped in his tracks, turning around and looking at the boy who made his heart flutter. Moon stopped, too, unaware of what was going on in Yuth's mind.

Suddenly, the boy grabbed his arm and pulled him into a corner.

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