Chapter Twelve: Assumptions

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Moon woke up slowly, blinking his eyes many times before realizing he wasn't in his own bed. He looked out in front of him, remembering what had happened, and that he was at his boss' home.

"Who are you?"

Moon jumped up in shock, only to find a young boy no older than 10 was behind him, standing by the bed. "Uh...Moon."

"Are you Yuth's boyfriend?"

"What?" He asked in shock, still not sure who the boy was. Mr. Yuth's son? Brother?

"Rune!" Yuth was at the door with a stern but calm face. The boy trudged his way to the man.

"I just wanted to say hi."

"It's rude to come in unannounced."

"But you didn't knock either." The child had him there. Moon smiled a little.

"Go eat your breakfast."

The boy nodded, and waved at Moon before leaving. Moon waved back, unaware of what was going on.

"Get dressed and come eat breakfast, too." Mr. Yuth smiled and shut the door behind him.

Moon realized that his clothes were washed and neatly folded on a chair by the bed. Could Mr. Yuth have washed his clothes? He felt a little embarrassed, but it was also very nice.

Mr. Yuth's house was so big, and Moon easily got distracted on his way to find the kitchen. There were so many pictures of people on the walls, some with Mr. Yuth in them, and some without. The young boy was in almost all of them, from being a baby to growing up.

Soon he stumbled across the kitchen, where there was a square table to the side. Rune was seated and Mr. Yuth was pouring drinks. "Juice?"

Moon wasn't used to being waited on. More like the other way around, but this was nice. "Yes, please." What he really needed was coffee, but he would have to get some later.

"Where'd you come from?" Moon's eyes widened at the question Rune gave him as he sat down across from him.

"Ummm...well...what do you mean?"

Yuth placed a glass of juice at the child's spot before taking the seat next to Moon. "Are you two dating?"

Yuth swallowed his juice hard. "Rune!"

"Yuth never goes on dates. Were you his date?" He turned to Yuth, who was coughing. "Is that why you came home so late last night? Where did you go for your date?"

"Rune!" Moon was smiling hard as Yuth scolded Rune. "Please excuse my nephew. He likes gossip." He pointed his index finger at Rune. "No more gossiping with Dao." The child rolled his eyes, not taking his uncle seriously.

"I'm just an employee, Rune." Moon reassured the nephew.

"Mmhmm. Okay." He smiled cheesily as he took a bite of his eggs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yuth had Moon in the passenger seat as he dropped off Rune at school. "Be good, and no fighting, please."

"Yea yea...bye Moon! I'll see you later!" Moon waved from the front at the child who hopped off in such a good mood.

"He's a very spunky kid." Moon was amused by Rune. It reminded him of himself.

"Sorry, he doesn't have a filter on that mouth. He takes after his mother. My sister was a spitfire. " He saw the man smile lightly, but it quickly vanished. Moon knew that the subject could be sensitive. He knew his mother and Mr. Yuth's sister died the same night.

Mr. Yuth smiled the same way Moon did when talking about his own mother. He knew all too well the bittersweet feeling of remembering the dead.

When they reached their office building Mr. Yuth reached into the backseat and pulled out a bag, setting it on Moon's lap. "Put this on. It might seem weird if they see you wearing what you wore yesterday."

Moon opened the bag to find a plaid tweed jacket. It couldn't have been Mr. Yuth's. That wasn't his style. "It's so pretty." He looked up at his boss, who had a faint smile, looking at his hands fiddling in his lap. The sight was different than what Moon was used to. The man's eyes were looking at something, like a memory in his mind.

"I'll go in first." Mr. Yuth exited his car, but the boy's eyes followed him instead of changing right away. The man had a sweet side, and he liked it.

After switching jackets, Moon got out and locked the doors for his boss, only to be stopped as soon as he turned around. It was Nin, furious and worried in front of the building.

"Moon!" She ran over to him, realizing he was coming from a fancy car. "How'd you get to work? No! Where were you last night? I went by your place and you weren't there and you didn't answer the phone. I almost filed a missing person's report."

The boy grew anxious at her questions. He didn't mean to make her worry. "I'm sorry Nin, something happened last night. I didn't realize I had my phone on silent."

"What happened? Next time call me right away when something happens!" She threw her arms up in the air, letting them fall dramatically. "And who's car is this?" A hint of jealousy sprinkled in her words.

"I saw.. Sakda at the gala last night..." Moon dodged her question, getting straight to the point.

"Sa- where?! You should've called me! Did he do something? Are you okay?" She grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him 360° to check for injuries.

"No, nothing happened. I anxiety got the best of me. Mr. Yuth helped me, and I was too out of it to think straight. I'm really sorry."

"Mr. Yuth? Moon...." Nin was visibly upset at that point, running her fingers through her hair. "Didn't I tell you to watch out for him? He's probably just trying to get in your---"

"Nin!" Moon looked around, worried that anyone would hear what she was saying about the owner of the building. "He helped me. He's not as bad as you think."

"Did you know he was there?" She was too angry. She didn't want Moon to get close to Yuth no matter what.

"What? Where?"

"I didn't want to tell you this, but... He was in Lampang the night of the explosion." That same explosion that killed his mother.

Moon froze. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"People talk, Moon. They think he did it to take more control of the business."

"His own sister?"

"He's colder than you think. You shouldn't trust him so easily. If he's the cause of your mother's death, that explains why the corporation has helped you so much."

The world was spinning all of a sudden. His stomach dropped, making him regret eating breakfast. "No..." Not Yuth. The man who helped him and who was responsibly raising his nephew and who was visibly sad at his dead sister's memory. "Maybe its just a coincidence."

"Are you going to trust him over me?" Nin was mad, and she was never mad at him so he didn't know how to respond. He didn't want to chose a boss he barely knew over his childhood friend, but he felt that she was jumping to conclusions.

"Nin...I'm not, I just..." He truly didn't believe Mr. Yuth did that to his sister, especially after seeing how he spoke of her.

"Whatever." She walked past him, bumping his shoulder in the process.

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