Acknowledgements & Resources

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A huge thank-you goes to my cousin Aredelle23, who proofread every single chapter before I put it up here! Her nitpicking made me obsess on the finer details and answer questions like "how do mermaids climb coconut trees?"

Next up, I want to thank every single one of you for reading, voting and commenting on this story! I always end up grinning when I read your super fun comments! Thank you so so much!

I'm insanely grateful to the Ambassadors who came to read this and vetted it for reading lists. I'm delighted that it's now featured on official Wattpad profiles! And a big thank-you goes to the contest judges who took the time to judge and write wonderful reviews!

Last but not least, here's a shout-out to the epic Youtube channels I like to haunt, which helped me do the world-building! Thank you Isaac Arthur, EVNautilus, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, World Science Festival, Kurzgesagt and Real Engineering.

What contributes to climate change and how can we lead a sustainable lifestyle? Here are cool links for a quick overview!

· United Nations | Facts & Figures >>

· BBC | Climate Change Food Calculator >>

Interested in the alien grandeur of the ocean and its amazing creatures? Here are 3 amazing masterpieces that I think everyone should see!

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Interested in the alien grandeur of the ocean and its amazing creatures? Here are 3 amazing masterpieces that I think everyone should see!

1. Blue Planet II

A BBC TV show narrated by Sir David Attenborough. It features music composed by Hans Zimmer and Radiohead!

2. Seaspiracy

A Netflix film featuring celebrated marine biologist, Sylvia Earle, as well as some of the world's biggest ocean groups. You also get to see Sea Shepherd, the non-profit organization that inspired the story's Endera.

3. Racing Extinction

A film by Oscar-winning director Louie Psihoyos. It features Elon Musk, Jane Goodall and eco race car driver, Leilani Munter.

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