13. The Mangrove Forest

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The monolithic lair ejected the Little Angler out into the pitch black waters.

The craft had full charge and optimal oxygen levels, but Dea settled on an almost vertical route in her hurry to get to the surface.

"Land gear—check. Onward to the human city!" She let out a cackle like a sea lion on kelp beer.

When she came upon the sparse abyssopelagic life on her upward journey, she watched them with newfound awe. You guys face the same challenges we do, huh? The cute dumbo octopus in her line of sight darted away in a glob of yellow, its tiny ear-like projections flapping in haste.

More deep-sea dwellers materialized, captivating her with their alienness—from the spectral translucence of a glass octopus to the neon fireworks of a hydromedusa. A spurt of luminous ink turned out to belong to the hellish vampire squid. Beauty and freakishness are two sides of the same coin around here.

The pressure eased with every meter she ascended. When scant light diluted the water to a deep blue, she perked up. The submersible mirrored her mood as it zoomed through a shower of marine snow in eagerness to rise above the twilight zone. The increasing visibility summoned forth many lanternfish. Their impeccable choreography boosted her spirit, which danced in anticipation of the adventure ahead.

Sooner than she expected, heavenly sunrays beamed down to welcome her. Her heart sang. The Angler accelerated and breached the surface.

She whooped. "Mission accomplished!"

There was no time to savor victory, however. Dea sagged under the invisible timer that ticked away precious minutes. The next stage of the mission was a hazy blur in her mind—she had no idea what to expect. Despite the thrill, her stomach twisted into knots of apprehension. Yep, diving headfirst into unchartered waters.

She poked the panel. "Bot, show me a map of the nearest land masses."


As Dea scaled up the map, she located the island known to humans as Serendiva. She had previously pinpointed the area where Dilip Goonewardane's city resided. Thankfully, it was the coastal capital of the country.

She almost picked the quickest route before realizing that she couldn't just arrive in a populated beach. Her eyes combed the coastline as she deliberated this new hurdle.

"Aha!" Her finger made an impatient jab to enlarge the landmark. "Mangrove forest! Must be a protected reserve."

Three taps later, she plotted a course to the forest, which occupied a small chunk of the coast.

Without further ado, the DSV slipped under the waves and skimmed the surface on its journey to Seren City, the human metropolis.

Without further ado, the DSV slipped under the waves and skimmed the surface on its journey to Seren City, the human metropolis

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Dea traversed the limitless swathes of the big blue while the sun cheered her on with unrelenting brightness.

After a long time, the Little Angler's sonar feed indicated an enormous patch of unidentified mass. She squinted warily through the viewport as she guided the vehicle up for a better look. Air escaped her in a whoosh.

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