21. The Special Delicacy

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Silence blanketed the space. Numerous eyeballs focused on her like a laser array.

Perched atop the Cypod, Dea dangled her tail on one side, the scuffing noise carrying in the stillness. Her peduncle stuck out of her skirt and tapered gracefully down to her flukes, shading from grey into tan, kissed with pink. Now dry, the smooth skin glowed with a soft sheen under the room's brightness.

A plethora of gaping mouths met her gaze—one belonging to a server who stood stock still, hands gripping a tray.

Involuntary shivers quaked her form, and she resisted the impulse to thump her restless flukes. Then her eyes sought Dilip's, whose stare bored into her more forcefully than any other.

He jumped to his feet. It seemed to unfreeze the moment.

Murmurs broke out at the same time Dilip moved to her side, planting a hand on the back of the Cypod. Dea's heart leaped to her throat.

"What a realistic cosplay of a mermaid!" He smiled at the upturned faces. "I know this is a bit unorthodox, but I'm sure you enjoyed that little surprise."

When Merlingo was done translating, Dea stared at him in disbelief.

The prime minister let out an exuberant guffaw and clapped his hands, prompting the other guests to do the same. Her mind raced while she grappled to process this baffling turn of events.

"I kind of like the fish scales more than this version," Dilip said with a laugh, and several guests joined in the mirth.

Breaking out of her paralysis, Dea extracted the ogi from her waist pouch. A bout of dizziness made her pause, and she realized she forgot to breathe. Before she could unfold it, Dilip bent down, obscuring her from the onlookers. To her bewilderment, he pretended to listen to something and straightened up.

"Dea says she's not feeling too well," Dilip announced with a somber expression. "She'd be having a quiet dinner in my study."

He gestured to a man in a suit. When he drew closer, Dilip whispered a slew of instructions. Then he settled down in his seat as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

That simple motion struck her like a punch to the gut. Her grand palace, built of dreams, shook at the foundations.

She barely had time to react before two men pushed the Cypod out, one holding her upper arm firmly to hold her in place.

Squirming proved to be futile. She craned her head back to glimpse the guests being served, tendrils of steam curling up from the plates. Conversations restarted, the unexpected spectacle already receding from minds by the looks of it. Dilip didn't so much as glance in her direction.

Dea experienced a sensation akin to free fall.

Thoughts raged in her head while the two humans led her to an elevator. Dilip knew it's real. He knew it! But why did he cover it up? The unease she pushed aside now snowballed with each passing second.

One of the men pushed a button on the wall-mounted panel. While they waited, the humans released their hold, which prompted her to slither back into the Cypod.

Despite the shock, Dea had the good sense to activate the ogi's sonar to map the layout of the house—though her fumbling fingers took a long moment to turn it on. When the elevator arrived, strong hands pushed her into its claustrophobic confines.

As they ascended, she fought off a wave of panic. She was nowhere near the ocean and now at the mercy of two intimidating humans. The subtle whir of the machine and the humans' constant breathing were all that disturbed the quiet.

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