44. The Callian Queen

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Dea ascended the slope. The Flamingo's metallic feet thudded on the ground, sending pebbles rolling down in her wake. The section of freeway was now largely empty as the Callian forces resumed their bombardment, driving back the human army.

The light abruptly dipped. She glanced up in time to witness three large planes that were obviously bombers. They flew towards the submarines.

Merman AFVs and rocket infantry fired their loads. The missiles whooshed after their targets. Every time they hit, a light show bloomed in the sky—hot, radiant and deafening. One bomber tilted and sputtered out a cascade of sparks. The pilot ejected, unfurling a parachute, while the plane crashed to the beach. Another bomber fell into the ocean with a colossal splash.

The final reached its mark.

In a moment of terror, Dea watched shell-shocked as it dropped its payload. Giant columns of water exploded skyward. Two submarines sank.

She tore away her eyes and powered on across Marine Drive.

As the Flamingo marched over the hellish landscape, her vision bounced to its rhythm. She peered into the gloom through a viewport webbed with scratches.

In the distance, the lattice of streaking lights showed no sign of ceasing. The sky exploded in fireworks as Callian SAM intercepted human missiles. Flaming remnants showered down like shooting stars. On the ground, beams jetted out and blasted a human soldier while others took cover. Pressure built in her chest, and her mouth opened in a silent scream.

Suddenly, gunfire struck her at close quarters, sending sparks flying. The viewport rattled, and a leg stepped back to stabilize the cockpit. Bullets ricocheted off metal, which dented under the barrage.

As she pressed on through the smoke and cacophony, she wondered how long her machine would hold. Dea blindly swung the robotic arm and swatted away a human. Then she spun around and hit whale's-eye on two more targets.

Within minutes, she found herself back in the narrow street, now deserted. A smoking vehicle blocked the way. She fired the railgun.

Fragments twanged against the Flamingo. She imagined a red halo from the searing heat while the weapon entered cool-down mode. Dea reverted the mechwalker to its Cypod form and zoomed down the street.

Back in the labyrinth of Seren City's road network, high-rises soon rose on either side. The mini map highlighted the route, and markers popped up on the viewport, glitching due to damage.

"Nadie!" she yelled over the comms link, but it didn't connect.

There was no time for diagnostics—she could only hope it would get back online. Panic fueled her lone dash to the prime minister's compound. Nadie, please tell me you got there. Please.

She turned a bend and pushed through a screen of smoke. Two bodies sprawled on the ground—what she thought could be the result of a soporific gas. Endera must've passed through.

Through the foggy view ahead, a mansion stood over sprawling lawns. Trees lined the roads around the property, outspread boughs providing ample shade. Marking the perimeter were decorative iron railings interspersed with stone columns.

The route on the mini map led her to the breach in the railings. The iron was cut and warped just enough for a Cypod to squeeze through.

She eased in and jumped forward with a spurt of acceleration. Patches of blackened grass flew in a blur. In her peripheral vision, she spied humans flocking by the far gates—including the van she saw previously. She wondered if a secret informant had tipped off the human press about the Goonewardanes hiding out in the bunker.

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