Hello sunshine! Here to shine in my black parraid?

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"Shut up, Tyler!" I laughed yelled.
"What?! I'm for real he poked my but with a stick!" Tyler said laughing. Tyler is my best friend in the whole world, he's gay, fabulous, whitish, and he was to girly to be a guy, but he just is a guy.
"That did not happen!" I said still dying of laughter. we walked down the hall to our newt class, art. I loved that class, art is words into a picture. we walk in siting next to each other still laughing. a few minutes after class starts Ms.Tayla didn't come in. a man with jet black greasy hair in not to teacher like clothes.
"Hello class, my name is Gerard Way and I'm your teacher, call me Mr.Gee." he said walking around to see every body.
"Your old teacher was transferred to a different school. I have three simple rules. 1.) shut up when I'm talking 2.)have fun 3.) be creative. any questions?" He said.
Every one said no. he gave us an assignment to draw something deep about you. that was simple for me I had so much deep things that I can't count. I draw big lines on the paper resembling cuts and blood streaming down the paper I paint it red and black. Mr.Gee comes over to the girl in front of us and bends over. Tyler wrote me a note and passed it to me.

I'm gonna smake that booty!
Stop being dirty he's our teacher
But the booty tho!!!XD
I look at it.

Told ya..... u think he's cute?
Yep, u?

Mr.Gee came over and caught us passing notes.
"Miss. James, Mr. Allen I would love to see what's so important." he said taking the note from us, he puts it in his pocket and bends over to look at what we were drawing. he looks at Tyler's. it was the words gay, abandonment, and unexpected with pink as the backround.
"Interesting." Mr.Gee commented. he looked at mine and he covers his mouth.
"This is very nice work... what's your first name?" He said.
"Cyra." I say.
"Well Cyra this is one of the best I've seen," he said, "deep, truthful and it scares me, I love it."
"Thanks" I said softly looking down I was very ani social when it came to new teachers or people.
"Your welcome." he said smilieing the rest of class went on and ended but when Tyler and I was trying to leave Mr. Gee stopped us, he held the note up and read it out loud when every one in the class was gone.
"Mr. Allen if you ever make any kind of gesture like that you will get a F in my class because you will be expelled, got it." he said.
"Yes sir, Mr.Gee sir!" He said saluting and then marching out.
"And as for you Cyra, thanks for calling me cute." he said with a smirk on his face.
"Your welcome." I said smirking back. I sat down until I was excused.
"Cyra I also am concerned about your art." he said looking at me with those sparkling hazel eyes.
"What about it?" I asked confused. he said it was good.
"It's a picture of cuts and a razor. are you cutting your self." he asked. yes, I was but was I gonna tell you? No.
"No, I did but I don't any more." I said folding my arms to my chest.
"Good, your excused." he said I walk out and sat on the floor against the wall and started think about my past. I was a cutter and my parents didn't care neither did my brother. I went to drinking and smoking pot and regular cigarets. I stopped all of that except for the cutting. my parents still don't care but my brother cares a little. I cryed. I herd foot steps and I ran out the door to the cemetery. I sat on a large tomb stone and cut. I left when I started to rain. when I walked in and my parents were on the couch watching t.v and my brother was in his room.
"Where were you?" My dad asked.
"A place." I said, my parents didn't like me at the cemetery.
"What place?" My dad asked getting angered.
"Where the dead children like to play." I said walking up to my room.
"I told you to stay aw-" he said but stoped and looked at my wrist.
"What's this?" My mother asked getting up as my dad looked at it.
"Fresh cuts." I said jerking away. they looked at me angry that I was cutting. they alway saw stuff about that on t.v and kept saying it was a selfish thing to do.
"You little selfish brat!" My father yelled.
"This is the last thing from selfish!" I yelled back.
"Think about how we would be judged after you died doing this!" he yelled.
My father beat me up after that he kicked and slapped ad threw shoes at me. I left crying, I walk to the school in the rain because I could go inside there. I got into the parking lot and stumbled down to the ground screaming about the pain in my stomach. I see someone run to me and lift me up. it was Mr.Gee.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Nothing." I said shivering.
"No there something, get into my car." he said opening the door for me and drove me to his house and helped me in the house and wraped a towel around me as I was sitting in the couch he took off his coat and came and sat next to me.
I took off my jacket and rolled up my sleeves.
"Who did this to you?" He asked.
" My father." I said looking down and crying. he pulls me into a hug.
"It's gonna be okay." he said reassuring me. he looked at my legs, arms, and face that had all of the bruise, cuts, and blood. he grabbed his first aid kit and put bandages on and cleaned the cuts.
"Thank you Mr.Gee." I said.
"Call me Gerard." he said smiling at me. He puts the first aid kit away and went up stairs and got changed when he came down he had sweat pants on and a white tang top on and he gave me some navy blue sweat pants and a green day shirt. I put them on and came down stairs he was on the couch and pat in the seat next to him for me to sit.
"Thanks Gerard." I said sitting down. I was shivering.
"Cold?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said crawling up into a ball. he wrapped his arms around me and put me in his lap and rubbed his nuckles on my cheek with my head on his shoulder. I look up at his pale completion with jet black hair and beautiful hazel eyes, he looks back at me. I can see him studying my features he cups my face with one hand and he moved slowly torsed me his lips were slightly touching, he pushes his lips on mine. He pulls away. it was late and he kisses my head.
"I'm your student." I said.
"I'm your teacher." he replied with a smirk.
"are you tierd?" He asked stroking my purple and black hair.
"Yeah." I said blinking trying not to fall asleep while he's talking.
"Let's go to bed." he said holding my hand walking to his room. He gets in bed and he waits for me to get in.
"I met you less than 24 hours ago." I said leaning agenist the wall.
"I'm 24 years old so I won't make any moves on you with out your permission." he said. I got under the covers but still I was freezing! Gerard hears me shivering.
"Do you need to be held?" He asked turning over to look at me.
"Yes please." I said curling up to him he wrapped his arms around me and I laid my head on his chest. I herd his heart beat.
Bum.... bum, bum.... bum,bum.......bum,bum. I fell asleep to the tune. he was the sun shining down on my black parraid.

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