Truth or Dare

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Me: Truth or Dare, Draco?
Draco: Dare
Me: I dare you to kiss Ginny..
Ginny turns red and sends me a withering glare.
Draco: On the cheek.
Ginny: Fine....
After that Draco grabs a bottle of my perfume and chugs it all down. (now you know why he's not a Ravenclaw despite the obvious) Blaise takes him to the hospital wing.
Me: hmmm.. ok, Hermione you can go now.
Hermione: Ron, truth or Dare?
Ron: Dare
Hermione: I dare you to eat that sandwich!
Hermione points her finger to the sandwich on the table. Ron shrugs, looking bemused.
Ron: okayyy.
Ron eats the sand which and then he starts to levitate.
Ron: what the af?!
Hermione: it was a prank!
Hermione put a spell on the sand which that made Ron float when he ate it.
Ron: blimey, Hermione! How could you?!
Ron shrieks like a girl fr.
Everyone is laughing their asses off when the door of the common room bursts open.......
There's Snape. With a smug Draco, and a sheepish Blaise, standing behind him.
Snape: To. Bed. Now.
Harry: But professor-
Snape: Just because you are the chosen one, it doesn't mean I'm going to favour you like everyone else. To. Bed. Now!!!!
Everyone: Yes, sir.
Snape:150 points from Gryffindor.
Snape said this with a smirk.
Snape: Mrs.Granger, I don't appreciate your infinitely attics, get Weasley back on the ground. And I'll see you for detention tomorrow.
When Snape leaves Draco and Blaise are still standing there. Draco try's to talk to me, but before he can say a word, I slam the door in his face.

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