Top 3 shifting methods

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1. The Raven method is one of the most simple methods for shifting, and it can easily be accomplished. To be successful when using The Raven method make sure you aren't to energetic, and feel as if you could fall asleep within a few minutes. Clear your mind, and take a few deep breathes. Read your script over a few times. Try writing a letter to someone in your DR. Write as if you're talking to them. Write to Draco about his daddy issues, or Hermione about her obsessive studying and try to convince her to go out and have some fun!! Lay down flat on your back, spread out your arms and legs, make sure no limbs are touching, close your eyes. Count to 100. Only think about where you want to go. Imagine the sound of the voices of the characters from your DR. Play scenes from the movies, and imagine yourself taking part in them. You will start to feel like you're falling. Don't let this scare you and try not to acknowledge that too much or let it distract you. Keep counting until you're at 100. If you haven't fallen asleep by that point, then say think positive affirmations and think about your script. It will take a maximum of 5 minutes to wake up in your DR once you've done this method.

2. Double staircase method. Make sure you are in a comfortable position and will easily be able to fall asleep. Close your eyes and imagine you are in a small room with a staircase leading upwards. Walk up the staircase slowly, and while you're walking think of any good/ happy memories in your CR. If you don't have any good memories, then imagine some you want to have when you finally shift and get to meet your besties. When you reach the top of the staircase you will be full of positive energy. And you will see a mirror. Look into the mirror at your current self. Acknowledge that this is the last time you will see yourself in this reality(until you come back)
You're going to turn around, and you'll see a white door. Open that door and as you turn the knob you'll feel  a serge of powerful energy rushing through you. Behind that door there will be another staircase leading downwards. Feel the positive energy increasing with each step. When you reach the bottom there will be another white door. When you open this door, visualize someone important from your DR on the other side of the door. Imagine that this hold out their hand, and ask "Are you ready to go?" Really think about it, even though you obviously want it leave. The longer you deliberate in this question the more effective this method will be. If you say yes, then take their hand and walk with them through a small, dark hallway. Imagine them asking you questions about what you'll wear, do and learn in your DR. When you answer them, start visualizing your DR taking over the hallway. Now, pretend you are in you DR bedroom. Watch your DR self sleep. Then fall asleep yourself. When you wake up you will be in your DR.

3. Shower method. When you're in the bathroom look in the mirror at yourself. If you've scripted that you look different then imagine that you're changing into your DR self. Everything around you is changing into your DR. Close your eyes and let yourself slip into the other reality. When you feel like you're in a different place, then open your eyes and you will be there. This method is intended for those who wish to shift while awake.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask or you can DM me. Use this space to rant, vent or talk about anything. This is a safe space and nobody will judge you. Keep trying and you will shift!!!!!! When you do shift, please tell us about it!!!

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