Boar hat

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Good morning, princess, it's time to get up

Huh oh?

Aina wakes up and stretches and rubs her eyes
Good morning Erin

Erin bows and says good morning and informs aina of her schedule

To aina surprise, it's empty for once she had nothing to do today

Aina got up got dressed in a black dress (which she hated) and went to eat breakfast with her family

Aina:good morning

Everyone:good morning

The servant pushes out Aina's chair and she takes a seat with her family they have small talk nothing new their father praising their efforts in the fight against the archangels

Ever since aina started with her plan her family acts differently towards her especially Zeldris who is now polite to her and they have both even spent more time together talking or practicing it honestly made aina very happy

So happy that it was hard for her sometimes to keep her emotions in check with Zel she always had to be serious they would joke from time to time but that's it

Aina:Zel did you guys retreat okay?

Zeldris:yes no casualties although that brat Sariel gave Galand a good strike to the head nothing too serious tho

Aina:(I'm glad Galand is okay I should bring him something...maybe some dragon meat we keep some in storage)How pathetic


Their conversation was usually slow but it made her happy to talk to her brother....even if she couldn't be honest about her feelings

She looked at Meliodas he was focused on his food and spacing out which was new to her but she didn't think much of it it's Meliodas

Estarossa was the same she wondered what her brothers were hiding.

Eve;aina sweetheart eat your food before it gets cold

Aina:yes Mother how are you feeling today

Eve: 😊 I'm fine I'm feeling a bit tired but I'll take a nap later

KingD: Eve after dinner take some extra time to sleep I'll have Chandler cover your work

Meliodas: Mother please rest more

Eve:you both worry way too much

Over the years her mother's health was kinda up and down sometimes she was okay or better even but some days she was bad or worse it was hard on her brothers and her when their mother was doing worse they were scared of losing her

Although the same could be said for their father who never left her bedside when she was feeling bad

Aina wanted to do something for her mother but she wasn't sure what she could do which  made her feel powerless that she couldn't do anything for her

The family ate their food and went their separate ways as usual

Time skipEarth'ss land

Finally, I can take this off

Finally, I can take this off

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New in look Amatsu Fashion

Wow I still can't believe the cost of Amatsu clothes oh well I had this specialty made and the fabric is very durable so I could fight in this outfit (but that ain't happening)

One day I'll go to Amatsu and learn how to sew and make clothes like them I can't wait and I'll take Hawk and Rei

Aina was exploring today especially since Rei was busy  she didn't know a lot about Reis's family she had met her mother once but their interaction was very short Rei didn't talk about her home much just that she was royal in a kingdom called Danafor aina doesn't know a lot about the kingdom but she does explore it sometimes although she prefers to explore the forest areas

Aina likes looking at nature and the animals and plants you can't see in the demon realm

Time skip

I've been exploring the area for a while I was gonna start heading towards a town to eat she said out loud but aina halted her footsteps when she felt an.... earthquake

What the??

I heard heavy footsteps and looked around ...a giant

I took out my demonic wings and flew up I saw ..... A Giant green piggy??

I looked more and saw a building or something on top of that looked kinda like a hat...

Do pigs wear hats?

I followed the pig until it stopped and started digging ...?

Seriously do pigs do that 😅?

I should ask Hawk when I see him

Hmm I got curious and flew down to the hat building I debated and decided to knock

Aina: hello is anyone there ...huh,?

??? Hello and welcome to the boar hat miss

Aina:huh boar hat? What is this place?

???:yes boar hat it's my tavern I'm the owner

Take a seat and enjoy our famous beer or our delicious food the chef prepared

Aina walks in hesitantly not knowing that this encounter would change her world and make a path for the life she's always wanted

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