Change in Personality

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Aina pov

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Aina pov

Last night as I got my idea I ran to Erin she looked surprised at my request but put in an order for the blacksmith Smitty as everyone calls him

The next day at noon my weapon was completed Erin told me at lunch in front of my family who were just as surprised my father even asked me if I was okay

I answered their questions and ate fasts and ran off I admit I kinda pretended to be a bit more excited than I was just to show my family that I was interested in learning so they wouldn't suspect my plan that I would do

I asked that Welch the best Archer be brought to me and now she is teaching me to shoot better I mess up a lot but I didn't give up until I hit the target dead center it took me one week to do that today

Aina was breathing heavily as she looked at what she accomplished just now

Suddenly she heard someone clapping and looked over and saw Zeldris clapping and walking over aina was confused Zeldris had never wanted to be around her so this surprised her a great deal but she tried to hide her excitement and confusing

Aina: hello brother what brings you here

Zeldris:nothing I was passing by (looking at arrow) I came to laugh at your pitiful attempts like usual but instead I was met with you training seriously ...I'm a bit surprised you tried so hard

Aina:(me too actually) Yeah I want to be stronger

Zeldris:why? (Goes to pull the arrow out and examine it) this was well made Smitty did a good job making these

Aina: what do you mean why...(this is my chance ) The goddess has been getting more aggressive recently right?

Zeldris:(looking at aina) Doesn't concern you

Aina: yes It does I am A demon princess everything happening in this kingdom is my concern just as much as yours I......I want to get stronger to protect our home from the wretched goddess

Zeldris was shocked at his little sister's words and her face looked so determined and serious he never saw aina with that look before.

Aina continued to look at Zeldris with determination before she took a breath and grabbed her arrow from Zeldris to continue her practice

Aina:now if you don't mind Zel I need to practice and get stronger if I want to accomplish that goal You are in the way if you have time to be noisy then you have time to be practicing yourself

Zeldris was frozen for a while before he shook his head and walked away with a serious look

Aina didn't like talking like this honestly she hated talking to her brother like that she knew her brother would report to their father and if he heard about her supposed change in behavior then it was more likely for him to believe her lie

Aina got back to her practice and hit the center 10 more times still she missed a lot of times to but it didn't bother her she was aware that she still has a lot to learn

With that Aina continued to dedicate herself to her studies and shooting for the rest of the week until it was close to the time when she would see Rei again how the week has been she was confident that she could pull it off

Demon king pov

When I heard that aina had a new interest I was shocked and thought it was a joke or something that was short term but I was even more surprised when I heard from Zeldris and Cusack how dedicated aina was acting towards not only her training but also her studies I decided to confirm with my own eyes and sure enough I saw her practicing with her dark magic she made wings of darkness and was flying and trying to summon Hellblazer ...I felt proud finally aina has grown out of her ...phase I was so relieved that I told my beloved

Eve: my love...are you sure this is okay?

I told Evelyn she looked...sad

KingD: what's wrong isn't this great? Finally, she's acting normal for once

Eve glared at her husband who flinched and took steps back away from her

Eve: Acting normally seriously!


Eve:how she now is normal enough

KingD:what !! Are you being serious!! You know you think she's weird as much as I do to

Eve:..that's true but even if she's unusual she's still our daughter and what we see as usual or weird is her normal I realized that I can't force aina to change she is who she is we ... especially you need to accept that

The demon king was surprised at his wife's words he was kinda scared of his wife but his pride wasn't gonna let him back down ... except maybe if she threatened him again

KingD:what do you mean especially me !? I have always loved aina I've never forced her to change anything about herself, have I ?! I've always watched her and loved her as she is I just always knew with a bit of ...a push she would grow out of her phase ?!

Eve:phase you think her being herself is a phase l?!

KingD:yes I do I think that!! Besides I haven't forced her to change and look at her she has grown all on her own and she's getting stronger and stronger and reaching her potential at last!!

Eve:oh really you call calling her weird out loud and scolding her for being different not forcing her to change!?

KingD:I would never hurt our daughter I'm not...that heartless!?

Eve: really since when

KingD: 💢 now you just acting idiotic stop being difficult and follow my orders women our daughter is growing to get used to it !!!

Eve: 😡 excuse me!? Women!! Idiot!! Follow your orders!!!!!!

KingD: 😨I I... I.....I

The demon king took a beating from his enraged wife (he would never hit her back)who kicked him out of their room and made him sleep in a guest room by the morning his sons were laughing at him and he had to beg his wife for forgiveness he got to sleep with her again cuddles or touching 😭 not even any kisses for the demon king it was torture for a week

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