Argument and Getting To Know Zel

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Aina I already said my finally word you will marry him end of discussion!!!

The demon king slammed his hand on his arm rest on his chair hard he glared at his daughter

I....I REFUSE!!!!

Enough I won't hear anymore of this !!!
Your to be married in 3 months!!!

(No)No I don't want to!!!

Enough!!! This arrangement was already set on the day of your birth we've been ready for it since then and this is what's best for you!!!

What's best for me...HOW IS THIS BEST FOR ME !!!

aina could see her father getting more angry but she ignores it there was no way she would marry that.... disgusting prince especially have to spend the rest of her life with him..she rather die then have to live with him she can only imagine all the gross things he would ask her to do it made her skin crawl even when he looked at her



Aina looked down she was angry that it seemed like her father wasn't taking her serious she looked over at her mother who was sitting next to her father she looked like she wanted to say something

Aina looked up and heard her mother clear her throat

Eve:love maybe we should listen to our daughter


The demon king took a seat and motioned for aina to speak up her mother nodded at her to aina walked forward and held her head up high

(Maybe they'll understand?)

I....I want to see the world


Aina knew her father would be angry with just her saying that but she wanted them to listen to her she wanted to be heard

I said I want to see the world I want to explore Brittania meet more friend's and interest animals I want to see all the different sites of the land maybe even get on a ship and sail around And discover more kingdoms besides lioness and Camelot

While aina was talking about her dreams her mother noticed how her daughter smiled a bright smile that she hasn't ever seen before the way her eyes shined while describing all the wonderful things she wanted to discover it made the queen smile a tiny bit seeing how her daughter was happy although on the other hand her husband was getting impatient and tapping him finger while aina was talking he was already set on aina marrying prince Asmodeus it was the only way he saw to keep aina

And there are so many types of flowers I really want to see a/cut off/are you finished yet?

Aina blushed embarrassed that she had gotten lost in her words again she apologized and said she was done

There is no way I'm letting you do any of that it's a waste a time I'm not letting you ruin your life over a idiotic dream and what's that about friends?

I thought I told you long ago that people can hurt you and you don't need friends and even if we agreed that I would have to make sure there except able to be your companion

But you always deny me any friends!!

They weren't trustworthy!!

Y....You always do that


I want friends I ...I want to follow my dreams don't call it stupid or a waste of time it's what I want the most in life!!

The Demon kings Unusual DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now