Caught and Question

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Crap crap crap

Aina was running back home in a hurry while she was having fun with her friends she lost track of time

She barely had time to put on her cloak and drop Hawk back home to Rei's house

She started flying back home but she knew she would be late either way

Time skip (demon king castle)

Aina was soaking wet and taking heavy breaths she was exhausted and running low on magic not to mention she was dirty on her way here she was rushing too fast and tripped and fell into a muddy puddle

While aina was taking a quick break she didn't notice that Erin was opening the door to call her for dinner like usual

Erin: Princess forgive the intrusion but it's time for dinner her highness the Queen sent me to retrieve you

Erin said this while bowing when she didn't get a response she looked up at aina and was speechless

Aina when she heard Erin mistakenly thought Erin already saw her  and was panicking about what to do

They both just looked at each other not saying anything until aina couldn't take it anymore since she was afraid that all her work and sacrifices would be for nothing


Aina really couldn't think of a good excuse of what to say to excuse this scene meanwhile Erin was looking at aina and walking closer

Aina was scared she was gonna tell on her or be angry that she lied to her she knew Erin hated lying a lot aina closed her eyes to get ready for the slap or scolding that she figured was coming soon

What she didn't expect was for Erin to instead hug her aina was speechless and frozen ..she wasn't expecting this

Erin: 😢 Princess I...I. I'm 😭 (anime crying) SO GLAD!!!

aina: HUH!!?

aina wasn't sure what to do again she wasn't expecting that reaction at all so she was very confused but at least tried to calm Erin down by patting her back and telling her to calm down

Once Erin finally calmed down she separated from aina and was wiping her tears although she was still sniffing and her eyes were red

Erin: princes s I. I'm so glad

Aina was confused (why was she glad) aina decided to ask her

Erin:why? I prin.....Aina I know I scolded you a lot and sometimes had to bribe you to behave but...I didn't want you to change yourself so much

Aina was taken aback she thought her plan had made everyone happy

Aina:why? 😔 Aren't you happy I go to all my lessons even the boring ones and I never run away from them and I stopped disappearing for hours and hours and  I ...Kill goddess for the kingdom. Without a word of complaint ...I'm normal now, aren't I .....I even dress normally now .... Aren't you proud of the new me

Erin ended up crying again the way aina spoke made her feel awful
Erin held aina close she didn't care about the mud or getting dirty ..she might have complained about aina some times and she didn't like some of the things she did but ....she loved her no matter what ..yes aina wasn't a normal demon but she didn't care. She loved her for being herself ..her true self... That made her. Aina

Erin:aina I'm sorry 😔 I never wanted you to change yourself so much maybe for a while I was happy that you were taking your studies seriously and that I didn't get yelled at for losing the princess (seriously every time she disappeared I got yelled at to even if I wasn't in the same room or place she disappeared from)but I didn't understand the price for that

Erin separated from the hug and looked aina in the eyes with an expression of sadness

Erin:you stopped talking to me about everything that you liked and wanted to see, you stopped going on walks with me and helping me with my chores even when I told you not to you always insisted on helping me, we stopped looking at magazines and catalogs together it was fun and you always smiled when you would see something cute or beautiful that you liked, I... 😢 I never get to see or hear your beautiful smile and laugh, I just .... 😭 I just want My aina back ..the cute restless hyperactive baby I helped raise and take care of
I'm sorry if I made you feel like you bothered me ...aina mentioned me being happy but ...Are you happy?

Aina listened to everything Erin said and found herself crying with her as she was also wiping her tears but then she heard Erin's question

Aina:(am I happy )...Yes I am I mean Father and my brothers are proud of me and I and Zeldris are finally getting along did you see yesterday that he even said I was doing a good job and he pats my head when I do something right ... they're not ashamed to be related to me anymore. I'm happy Erin really ..but please keep this a secret for me  ..please

Erin was a bit sad her words didn't reach aina but she would support her no matter what plus she felt this was something aina had to figure out on her own ..hopefully, she finds the true answer to Erin's question for now....she would wait for aina and wouldn't push her to be herself all the time

Erin bowed aina understood and hugged Erin And thanked her for sharing her  honest feelings aina noticed that they had been talking awhile Erin went to clean herself off and stall for more time for aina to scrub herself off quickly and change

Although the whole time aina couldn't help but keep thinking about Erin's question

Are you happy?

Aina shook her head and brushed it off of course she was happy her family was proud of her and they loved her...or At least the her that she showed them

Aina couldn't help but wonder ......Did they love her...All of her?

Aina sat down to dinner with the question still invading her mind and decided that maybe she wanted to talk to her ....Brother about this Rossa always seems to understand..after all

To be continued

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