Alternate Ending #2: Kunikida's Trick

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A/N: I felt the need to put another potential angst warning here, cause you never know. Without further ado, enjoy the next alternate ending.

It had been ages since Kunikida had tragically fallen ill with least, that's the way it felt to the suffering soul known as Dazai. In reality, it had only been a few days. Suffice to say Kunikida had done a full 180 since getting amnesia, for better or worse. By which that meant he hated paperwork, forgot pretty much everyone, took a shocking liking to Dazai, and most shocking of all, forgot his beloved notebook. Yes, the one that had millions of notes. The one that had many pages wasted thanks to Dazai. Every last ideal of his written in it. That notebook. He'd forgotten it, and that led everyone to have a harder time believing he'd never get his memory back.

It went without saying that Dazai was the most affected by this whole situation. Everyone was to some degree, but Dazai never stopped worrying that Kunikida would never be himself again. And the more Kunikida forgot, the more Dazai felt that way. He didn't want to lose hope, of course, but it felt easier to lose hope than hold on to it. Still, this was Kunikida, and he was worth it, no questions asked. So Dazai did his absolute best to hold on to what little hope he had left.

Still though, there was a thought Dazai had that caused him to feel guilty for even thinking such a thing. Despite how much he hoped Kunikida would get his memory back, a small part of him thought maybe it would be nice if Kunikida stayed the way he was now cause he finally liked Dazai. As far as Dazai knew, that had never been the case pre-amnesia. And honestly, it felt nice to finally be liked by Kunikida. So would it be so bad if he didn't get his memory back? Are you insane?! Of course that's bad! Of course he should get his memory back! What are you thinking, Dazai?! Dazai silently scolded himself. Boy, was it sure fun feeling conflicted like this. There were no questions, Dazai absolutely wanted Kunikida to get his memory back as soon as possible. But that tiny part of him secretly almost hoped Kunikida would stay amnesiac. And Dazai was mad at himself for thinking that way, but he couldn't help it. He just wanted Kunikida to like him. Was that really too much to ask? Should he bring this up to Kunikida? Nah, Kunikida had enough to worry about. He was the one suffering from amnesia, after all. With that in mind, Dazai then came to the conclusion that he wouldn't mention any of this to Kunikida. Not unless he asked...and maybe not even then.

As for Kunikida, he had seen how down Dazai looked lately and naturally he asked him about it, but the answer was always the same: "I'm fine, don't worry about me." But those words only make Kunikida worry more. Anyone could tell that Dazai wasn't ok, so why wouldn't he just say what was bothering him? Did Dazai not trust Kunikida or something, and if so, why? That man was the episode of confusing...

Kunikida finally made up his mind to ask Dazai what was going on, and he did just that.

Dazai appeared surprised by the question. "What makes you think something's wrong?"

Kunikida raised his eyebrows. "Everything about you currently suggests that something's bothering you."

"Whhhhaaaaaattttttt? Naaaahhhhh..." Dazai lied.

"Dazai, there's no point in lying. I already know something's wrong."

"Is there, though?"


Darn, he got me there, Dazai thought. It was suddenly becoming harder to pretend everything was fine.

Kunikida just looked at Dazai, waiting to see whether he'd confirm or deny the claim. Of course, he knew something was wrong, but getting Dazai to admit it proved to not exactly be that easy.

The way Kunikida just looked at Dazai seriously almost caused him to want to just let it out. But at the same time, he didn't want to do that. Ugh, why did this have to be so complicated?

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