Chapter 9

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*Aurelia P.O.V.*

    A few more weeks had passed and things were going great, until they weren't. Things started to go down hill when my mother's uncle came back from supposedly being dead. "Mom. Didn't you say that your uncle passed away," I asked coming home one day. "Yes. In an accident. Why do you ask," she asked. "Because he is Sensei Lawrence's assistant," I said. "Are you sure," she asked. "I'm positive," I said. "I don't want you doing Cobra Kai anymore. Not with him in charge," she said getting serious. "But he's not in charge," I said. "I know how he works, baby. He is a very dangerous man. If you still want to learn Cobra Kai karate, I will teach you myself. Please don't go back there," she begged grabbing me by the shoulders. "Okay. If it means that much to you, I won't go back," I finally agreed.

    As the days passed the rest of the group began to get concerned. "We miss you at Cobra Kai," Miguel said. "And I miss it too, but I promised my mom I would stay away from Sensei Kreese," I said. "What does she have against him," Hawk asked with an attitude. "No one knows him better than her. I trust my mom's judgement," I said seriously. "But what is so bad about him? I haven't seen anything odd," Hawk said. "He's my mom's uncle," I blurted out in rage. "What," they all asked. "Something happened between them that caused her to move back to New York and I trust my mom's judgement to not trust him," I said before skating home.

    When I got home I changed clothes and did some warmups until my mom got home. I trained some with her until it was time to start dinner, then we both went inside to start on dinner. "Mom can I ask something of you," I said at dinner. "Of course," she said. "I love training with you, don't get me wrong. But can I please join a dojo again," I begged. "I already told you, I do not want you fighting for my uncle," she said. "Oh, but I wasn't talking about your uncle. I was talking about Mr. Larusso's dojo," I said. "Daniel has a dojo," she asked. "Yes. And I hear the fighting style is much different than your uncle's," I said. "Perhaps. I'll talk with him tomorrow and let you know what I think," she said ending the discussion.

*Jessica P.O.V.*

      The next day I went to Larusso's Auto to speak with Daniel. "Good morning ma'am. What kind of car are you interested in looking at," a stocky man asked coming over. "I'm not here to buy a car," I said. "Well then what can I help you with," he asked. "I'm an old friend of Daniel's and I was wondering if he was available to speak with me," I said. "Umm wait right here," he said before walking off. I waited and looked around and the bonsai trees caught my attention. "You know you get one when you buy a car," Daniel's voice said from nearby. "Daniel. So good to see you," I said hugging him. "Always a pleasure. What can I do for you today," he asked. "I would like to discuss your dojo," I said. He led me to his office and we sat down. "What would you like to discuss," he asked sitting on the front of his desk. "My daughter is quite interested in your dojo," I said.

    "No. Absolutely not. She's a Cobra," he said. "And she my daughter. In case you haven't heard, my uncle is seemingly back from the dead. And I have forbidden her to go back while he is in charge. I have continued her training, but she has shown quite an interest in your dojo," I said. "And why should I let her join my dojo," he asked leaning forward. "Because she is like me. Kind and considerate," I said. "I'll allow her a trial week, but if she shows any sigh of Cobra betrayal she's out," he said. "I do have to let you know, she is a formidable fighter. Spar her with your daughter and you'll see what I mean," I said before leaving.

*Aurelia P.O.V.*

     After school mom was there to pick me up. It seemed we had been driving for longer than usual, so I asked. "I talked to Mr. Larusso and he has agreed to give you a trial week. That being said I need to give you tips," she said. "Okay," I said. "Remember how your father and I started your training," she asked. "Yes. Always assess the situation," I said. "Very good. That is Mr. Larusso's core values. Don't strike first. Watch your opponent, learn their habits," she said as we turned onto a dirt road. "And don't tell your Cobra Kai friends. These are enemy dojos. If they find out they won't be your friends anymore," mom warned before coming to a stop. "Thanks mom," I said hugging her before getting out.

   I made my way through the beautiful house to the backyard and saw Mr. Larusso with a small group of students. "Welcome Aurelia," Mr. Larusso said. "Thank you for letting me join you," I said joining the other students. "Oh hell no! She's Hawk's girlfriend," Dimitri said. "Doesn't matter. We are all friends here," Mr. Larusso said stopping any further insults. "Now if you don't mind I'd like to see what you can do," Mr. Larusso said to me. I nodded my head as I followed the others to an open space. "Sam spar with her," Mr. Larusso said. Sam stepped forward and we bowed in greeting, before we got into a defensive stance. I circled her and did as my mom said, watched her. I glanced to see Mr. Larusso watching in approval, which might have been a mistake had I not gotten training from my dad too.

    She chose to strike with her hand which I easily blocked with and inside movement. Sam looked shocked for a moment before we were throwing strikes and blocked left and right. We continued on and I dropped sweeping my leg to knock her off her feet and popped up to a standing defensive position. "Well. Welcome to Miyagi-Do karate," Mr. Larusso said holding out his hand. I shook it before all the others began to congratulate me and I helped Sam up. "Welcome to the team," she said. "Thanks," I said.

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