Chapter 12

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*Aurelia P.O.V.*

     More time had passed and soon Miguel was walking again and back with Sam. Miguel and some of the original Cobras started a new dojo called Eagle Fang. On Christmas Eve Sam called a meeting and I saw that Miguel was there with the rest of Eagle Fang. "What is going on here," I asked. "Sam and I think it's time we joined forces," Miguel said. "Why," I asked. "Because our dojos are stronger together. It's the only way we can defeat Kreese at the tournament," Sam said. Before anything else could be said. The door was suddenly busted open revealing Cobra Kai. "Well well well," Hawk said. We began to fight and it ended with Cobra Kai down and Miyagi-do/Eagle Fang standing victorious. "Maybe we do work well together," someone said as Cobra Kai fled. As they ran off I saw Hawk keep glancing back.

    A few days later we were at Miyagi-do and Sensei Johnny along with Eagle Fang walked through the gate. We scattered around the yard and I was talking with Dimitri, Miguel, and Sam when everyone got quiet. "What," I asked. All they did was point and I turned to see Hawk and the rest of the original Cobras. "We finally saw the truth. Can you forgive us," Hawk said to Mr. Larusso. Mr. Larusso gave him a nod and they all came down and joined the rest of us. I gave Hawk a small smile as he came to stand next to me. Training that day was pretty rough, with Sensei Johnny and Mr. Larusso having clashing teaching styles and all. A lot happened and when Mr. Larusso and Sensei Johnny agreed to call it for the day, I grabbed my board and went to leave. "Look out, Aurelia. I think Hawk wants to talk to you," Miguel said from in front of me. I turned to look over my shoulder and saw Hawk steadily making his way to me. "I'll see you guys tomorrow at school," I said turning back to them.

    They walked off and I waved goodbye just as Hawk reached me. "Hey. Can we talk," he asked. "Sure. Walk me home," I asked. He nodded as we began to walk, it was quiet for a bit before he talked first. "So you were right about Kreese," he said. "Oh wow. How did those words taste coming out of your mouth," I asked. "Like vinegar," he said with a sneer. "Good," I said. "Look my point is, I realized I was wrong. And I was kinda hoping that you would take me back," he said turning to me. "Took you long enough," I said. "What," he asked shocked. "I never stopped loving you, Eli. I just hated who you were believing," I said turning to him. He stood in shock for a moment before he picked me up by my waist and swung me around. I let out a laugh as he spun me, and when he set me down we started into each other's eyes before out lips met in a passionate kiss.

     "I missed this," he said when we broke apart. I let out a breathy laugh resting my forehead against his. "I missed you too," I said. "Come on, let's get you home before your mom starts to worry," he said taking my hand. He walked me all the way home and I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before I headed inside for the night. "How was training dear," mom asked as I walked in. "Could have been better," I said. "Oh. What happened," she asked. "We joined forces with Eagle Fang. Sensei Johnny and Mr. Larusso are clashing too much. They can't seem to get along," I said. "Classic Johnny and Daniel," mom said shaking her head. "Mom. Just how is that classic," I asked. "Our senior year of highschool Daniel and Johnny really did not get along, and it seems nothing has changed between them. Anything else," she asked. "Yeah since we joined together some of the other kids can't seem to get along," I said. "I see," she said thinking. "Oh no. I know that face, please don't embarrass me," I begged. "What!? But I'm the cool mom," she said acting offended.

    After a few days had passed and still the others and our teachers still were clashing and my mom showed up. "Ummm. Aurelia, your mom is here," Miguel said causing me to turn seeing her. "Awww man," I groaned. "Woah. Who's she? She's hot," Mitch said joining us. "That would be my mom," I said throwing my head in my hands as she walked over to talk to our teachers. "Think she'd go for me," Mitch asked. "Nah. She's more into bad boys," I said watching her interaction with Sensei and Mr. Larusso. "Well I see how you take after her then," Hawk whispered to me. "Shut up," I said hiding my blush. "Oh come on. Let me just say a few words. It might even knock some sense into you two," my mom slightly shouted. "I'm only saying okay because I know you can kick my ass," Sensei Johnny said. "Your mom can fight," Sam asked. "Yes. I learned from her and my dad," I said tearing up slightly at the memory of my dad. I felt someone grab my hand and looked over to see Hawk, giving his hand a squeeze. "Fine. Let's see what you got," Mr. Larusso finally agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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