Part two: ice cream sundae

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"I'd like an ice cream sundae with a side of 'take me home tonight', " i flirt with the casheir. This almost always gets an 'its on the house' for an answer. Then i makeout with them for a while and then eat my ice cream.

"How do you do that?" brenda asks me as i sit down.

"Its easy as smile and wave! Why do you want some?" I laugh. All she does is glare at me.

"Okay but you're teaching me one day!" Says lauren. I grin handing her a cone.

"So whats the plan for this weekend?" Taylor asks.

"So you're gonna kill me but thought maybe we could go try motercycling!" I smile.

"No way! are you trying to murder me?!" Yells brenda.

"And besides my parents would kill me!" Lauren screams.

"YAS bitch lets do this!" Taylor says. Thankfully at least someone was on my side! "C'mon guys," she continues,"i think it would be fun! And besides whats the jewell in being in a gang if you cant enjoy the free perks with it!" I nod in agreement.

"Thats right kids let mother tell you." I joke out loud. All i get in a response is the death glare from taylor. "Sorry mommy." i say.

Everyone laughs. "So do you even know how to ride one of those death traps?" says lauren.

"No but i know where we can get a teacher." i say with the kinda dramatic look you see on tv with the "oh's" and the gasps.


As we get to the motor shop i glance at the clerk behind the counter.

"Oh what's up cam!" Exclaims jay. The rest of my girl-friends (and not the lovey dovey kind. Im not a lesbian here) follow me inside.

"Hey booze brain!" I flirt but he dosent notice.

"So what did you come for today? And hurry i gotta get back to work."

"Oh i wanted to know if you or sexy over there wanted to teach little old us how to ride a bike!" I point to jays co-worker who btw looks really hot.

"Alright, bran you heard the pretty lady!" Omg did he just call me pretty?

"My you're sure right. She is hot!" Says the stranger looking at taylor.

"Um i believe he was talking to me!" I pipe up, but he dismisses mu smart mouth.

"Tell ya what. If this chick rides with me I'll teach ya'll how i goes." He says.

"In your dreams dick head!" she says. But he dosent back down. He follows her across the store until he corners her. Then he smashes his face into hers and whats suprising is afterwards. But i'm not gonna get into that because this is my story and frankly, its a little gross what happens in the "employees only room."

"Taylor i think you have to have a job to be back there," brenda says as taylor goes in. As an answer she turns around, flips her off, and goes i anyways.

How do i know why its nasty? You might ask. Well lets just say taylor isnt exactly the quietest ever.


A/N well lets just say this story speaks for itself. But uh yeah the part you need to know is that taylor and brandon end up together later in te next chapter. So dont forget about him!
Bye ya bitches!😋😆😜

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